Four Years Later...

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Obi-wan sat watching Luke from a distance. Hazel was back at home studying up on lightsaber fighting styles, preparing for a duel that Obi-wan had promised her after he was done with his routine check on Luke.

The two of them had adapted pretty well to life in hiding. Their week now consisted of Jedi lessons, lectures, and supply runs. 

Hazel had adapted as well, learning more and excelling at a pace that even Anakin could not keep up with. If he was being completely honest, she grew stronger and stronger with every lesson she absorbed. It almost scared him how fast she learned and mastered everything, but at least Obi-wan had his old master to help him.

Whenever he had a problem or needed advice on how to help Hazel understand something or how to train her better, Qui-gon always had a solution. But, Obi-wan was proud that he mostly trained Hazel himself and raised her as his own Padawan. Mostly, of her progress in the force, since it was a harder subject for her. 

But he could think about it more later; right now, his check-in on four-year-old Luke was over and it was time to see how much Hazel had learned.


"Focus Hazel. Allow your mind to guide you and your blade."

Hazel was in for it.

She had learned that whenever her master said those words, either he was going to do something out of the ordinary or he was going to fight her himself. She currently had a visor on and couldn't see anything, so she was rightfully worried. 

"Master, I really hope you aren't going to do something that will result in me getting bruises all over," Hazel responded. She could have sworn she heard him chuckle.

"Whenever you're ready, padawan." Obi-wan replied.

"Okay Hazel, clear your mind and focus on the blade and floor." She thought as she took a deep breath in and positioned herself in her usual fighting stance. She tunned everything out and focused her thoughts and feelings on the force surrounding her. She could feel the vibrations of her master getting ready to attack. She felt through the force his every intention. 


Obi-wan began his "attack" by teasing Hazel towards the wall of the cavern they trained in. Or at least, he was trying to. Hazel would block and get away from the wall every time he got her close. Then, she started her assault.

Hazel backed up to the wall like her master had tried to get her to do, and when his guard was down, she jumped high and used the force to pull his lightsaber away from him. 

"It appears that I have won master," Hazel chuckled as she took off the visor and pointed her lightsaber at his back.

"That it does," Obi-wan replied, "well done Hazel." Hazel bowed slightly. 

"Thank you, master. I needed the practice." 

Kenobi laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "What do you say to helping me make dinner?" He asked playfully.

"Master, with all due respect, you cannot cook." Hazel answered with her newly developed accent, stopping to look at her master. 

"Maybe so, but good thing I have you to teach me." They both chuckled as the pair headed back to their hut on the other side of the canyon.


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