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What DEVIANT is all about?
- Mobster's association and love story
- A toptier man with dark triad traits falls for a girl who's submissive yet hard headed

What to expect?
- Nothing, buy and read it then you'll know

Since when this story was published?

Is it happy ending?
- No comment

Does it worth or just fictional with zero moral?
- I don't write zero moral. It might be fictional but there's always meaningful messages

Did someone inspires you to write this kinda story?
- Ofc, we all hv main lead in our own story

When are you plan on writing the next book?
- In progress, check my profile

Will DEVIANT have the next series?
- I'm not sure about spin off but another story under Mafia Series, InshaAllah

Ryan Edgard or Adam Noah?
- For me personally, Ryan Edgard. But I prefer Riev Atharizz more.

Who's Riev Atharizz?
- Stay tune to find out ')

Sincerely Your Author,

Deviant [EBOOK]Where stories live. Discover now