Soft....only for me💫(1)

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Shubman Gill
CEO of Gill Industries
Cold but soft and caring for his baby husband
Hardly shows his emotions
Loves his husband but can't express it
Ishan Kishan
University student
Soft and caring
A total baby for his husband
Knows that his husband loves him but can't express it
Loves to get pampered by his husband

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Here, Ishan and Shubman are sleeping peacefully while Ishan is sleeping almost on top of Shubman while a pout formed on his lips....... Shubman is hugging him by his waist tightly.

After some times, Shubman stirred in his sleep as he feels some weight over himself.........he opened his eyes and looked on his Ishu who is sleeping over him with a pout......oh how much he love that pout on his baby's face......he just wants to stare at him all day long.

But, he can't as he have to go to the office.....he thinks to let Ishan sleep as today's his holiday.........Shubman slowly get up not wanting to disturb his husband beauty sleep.

As he get up from the bed........a whine leaves from Ishan's mouth for missing the warmth.......... Shubman chuckled at his baby's behaviour.........he slowly pulled his pillow towards Ishan who immediately hugged it which has his husband's cologne.

Shubman kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom for getting ready for the office.

When, he came back.......he saw Ishan is sitting on the bed trying not to doze off.

As Ishan heard the footsteps, he slowing opened his eyes and looked towards Shubman.

As Ishan saw Shubman, he huffed while pouting..........and folding his hands on his chest and looked towards other side......... showing that he is angry.

Shubman: "What happened Ishu", said while sitting beside Ishan.

Ishan: "You already know, what happened still asking me".

Shubman: "But, atleast tell me", said in teasing manner.

Ishan: "You know na, I can't sleep without you.......but you always leave me alone on the bed".

Shubman: "ok, please forgive me this time, I will not do this again".

Ishan looked towards Shubman and climbed on his lap sitting there while hugging Shubman tightly.

Ishan: "ok, I will forgive you but on one condition......

Before Ishan could say something further Shubman said, "Yeah, I know you want your chocolates and Ice creams...........Am I right?

Ishan: *excitedly* "Yesss, I want so many chocolates and ice creams".

Shubman: "ok, ok, I will bring them while returning from the office".

Ishan: "yes".

Shubman: "ok, Go and fresh and up, then we will go for the breakfast ".

Ishan hurriedly wents in the bathroom and Shubman start arranging his office things.

After some time, Ishan came out and both of them went downstairs to have breakfast.

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