Reincarnation 🍂 (6)

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After that night, they both are being madly in love always stealing kisses whenever they got a chance.....and sometimes they are about to caught.

Ishan and Shubman's parents can notice the changes in their behaviour but shrugged it off.......thinking they are always like this from childhood.

As Shubman is Ishan's personal bodyguard so it's very easy for both of them to spend time together.

Everything is going well but one day Ishan fell unconscious and the physician inform them that he is pregnant.

There is no one is the chamber except Ishan, Shubman and the physician........they both got very shocked because it's not the right time where their own life in danger when everybody will know their relationship.

The physician immediately wants to inform the king but Ishan and Shubman begged him that not to tell anyone.......they need time to think about their life when they have a new life with them.

The physician is a good person, so he agreed because he know that what will happen when everyone will come to know about that the future King is pregnant with his bodyguard's child.

Hell, it is already a sin according to them to love the same gender in that time.

Here, Ishan is already panicking....he don't want anything happens to his baby.

"Now what we will do Shubi, after few months my stomach will to grow....they will come to know....I don't want my baby to get hurt", said Ishan while caressing his flat belly.

"Relax baby, nothing will happened to our baby.........I"ll think something and don't take stress it will affect our child na baby", said Shubman consoling him.

Ishan just stopped panicking and trying to feel ease and Shubman also placed his hand on the belly and lovingly pecked his forehead.

After some days.....

Shubman and Ishan made a plan that they will run away from the palace in the night.......and will go far away from here.

But, to their bad luck one of the maid hear their talk and directly told to the King and Queen.......they both just tell him to keep his mouth shut and give him some money and jewelleries.

Then, King and Queen talk this to Shubman's parents who are also getting angry about this.

Right now both of the parents are not thinking about their children's happiness but about their society.

At the midnight, when Ishan and Shubman thought that everyone is asleep......they both carefully sneak out of his room and went towards back side from where they are leaving the palace.

As the main gate has too many guards their but at the backside there are only few at the time night.

As they both reached in the backyard while holding each other's hand.......they are running but suddenly something heavy hit on Shubman's head and he fell on the ground.

Ishan somehow managed himself from not falling and his hands immediately hugged his belly in a protecting manner.

When they both turned they saw their parents and some of their trusted guards are standing their in anger.

Shubman somehow managed to get up and hide Ishan behind him.

And here their parents are getting more angry.

"I'm giving you last warning Ishan leave him and marry the Princess which we choose for you or else we have to kill you....and you know very well I can do this", said the King.

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