Reincarnation 🍂(2)

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Ishan just completed his admission process and went to his home.

He went in his room for changing himself in some comfy clothes...........then he wents towards a particular room.......which is his art room........he likes to paint in his free time.

He just entered in his art room where he made so many beautiful arts.........but his eyes wents towards a particular wall.......where there are lots of painting.......but one thing common in all those painting........they don't have a face.

Yes, those are the paintings of a particular person.......but without face.......he feels a bit hurt looking towards all those incomplete paintings.

Whenever, he saw that particular dream......a saw a blur faces......he tries to paint them.....but at last he can't make any complete's like he know the face......but can't draw it.

He again take a new art board and started to make a new one.......but again he can't do that.......he became frustrated......just why can't I make it.

While thinking all these......he didn't notice that his eyes became little teary.......until his mother came.....and call him for the lunch........she didn't entered in room........because whenever Ishan goes into that room he wants some alone time.

Ishan came out of his daze.....and to take his lunch.


Here, Shubman also returned to his home......he fresh and up and eat his lunch.....and then went his room.

Then, he takes out his which he writes his inner thoughts......and what is running in his mind.......which he can't share with anyone.

Then, he started to write in the diary.....about today's incident.


Dear Diary,

You know today I just meet a person......I mean I didn't meet him personally.....but just feel him.....when I looked towards him.....he is already gone.....I don't know but I really want to see him.....when I just pass by him.....I feel that emotion.......that emotion which I feel in my dream.....where I can't see the person face...... it's like he his calling me.......I never felt this much emotion before.....I don't know what's happening with me......It's like if I didn't meet that person....I will became's just frustrating my mind......I don't know what to do........I can't even tell these things to anyone......they will think it's all my illusion.....I just really hope to meet him.....atleast for one know about my emotions.

Ok, Bye!


Time Skip,
Next Day....

Shubman and Ishan both got ready for the college....and left for the University.

Shubman just came to the college and start walking towards his class........until a person bumps into him......he was about to shout.....but when he turned .......he don't know what happened......his eyes filled with tears while looking at the person infront of him.

Ishan's Pov....

I just reached to the University and start walking towards the phone started to rang.....I started to find the phone in my bag......until I just bump into someone hard back.

I was about to say sorry.....but my words stucks in my throat.....I can't able to form a word.....when the person turned around and looked towards me.

I don't know what happened ....... suddenly I start feel too much emotion......I want to cry......but I don't know why......these all emotions are overwhelming me.....and started to feel dizzy.

Before, I can collapse......the person who is infront me.....catch me by my waist......and hugged me tightly ........I don't know what's happening.....but I feel so calm in his it's protecting me.......from all things.

I want to say something.....but before I can talk.....I fainted in his arms and closed my eyes......feeling the warm embrace.

Shubman's Pov ...

When I turned towards him......and saw that which I'm dying to see ....I don't know why....... suddenly all those dreams started to flash in my mind......but this time clearly.......I can saw innocent and adorable prince......and how he is crying for me......but I can't do anything.

Before, I could say something.......he just fainted in my arms.......oh! How much I want to embrace him like this.

But, right now I have to take him to the nursery.......I just lift him and leaves for the nursery.....and laid him on the bed.....and tell the nurse to check him.

The nurse just check him and said, "There is nothing to worry about.....he just felt too much emotions at a same time..... that's why he faint.....he will woke up in some time".

Then, the nurse left from there......and I just sat beside him.....and started to admire his angelic......which I miss so much even is I don't remember him face.

That's it, hope u like it.

Forgive me for any grammatical mistakes.

Thanks for reading.



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