Lovable enemies ⚜️(5)

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Shubman and Ishan reached their University together....with their usual silly fighting banter.

Then, they went to their classes to attend the lectures.

Time Skip....
At cafeteria.....

Both of them entered inside cafeteria and take their usual seats .......where their friends are already waiting for them......and then start having their lunch.

Here, Tania and Arush (the boy's name) are about to proceed their plan......they both are seating on the same table.....and waiting for Ishan and Shubman to finish their lunch.

After sometime, both of them finished their lunch ......then all of them are talking about some random stuff.

As they are talking.....Tania and Arush approach them and first Tania said, "Hey Shubman I want to say something to you".

"But I don't want to listen your nonsense talk", said Shubman irretately.

"Please Shubman one last time...after that I'll not disturb you", Tania pleased.

"Ok, say whatever you want", replied Shubman.

"May I have your attention all of you....I want to confess something", Tania said loudly while gaining everyone's attention.

Now, Ishan and their other friends also looked towards her to know her important confession.

"I fall in love with a guy in this university........I just started to like him from the very first time when I saw him.....and after that I slowly fall in love with him.....I also don't know how much I love him....but I want him in my life...so the love of my life is none other than... Shubman Gill...the hot and handsome guy of this whole campus", confessed Tania.

"Now my one of the friend Arush...he also wants to confess to someone ", said Tania before Shubman can say something.

"I also love a guy from my class.....I fell in love when I saw him for the first time.....I just lost in his eyes.....I love to see his smile, he has the most precious smile....and I want to be the reason for his smile......he is very beautiful but from my eyes he looks like an angle to me.....to whom I always to adore...and be the reason for his happiness.....so the love of my life is none other than.....Ishan Kishan....the most beautiful boy in the college", confessed Arush.

The whole cafeteria started to cheers for them and eagerly waiting for others reply.

Tania and Arush both looked towards Ishan and Shubman who have unknown expression on their face.

After few minutes, Shubman stand up and went towards Tania and said said, "you want answer for your confession right".

"Yeah, of course ", said Tania being happy.

"So listen......You know na baby I love you....and I also know that you love me.....maybe we fights thousands of time...but still you are the only one for me.....I can't love anyone else other than you.....because from the very beginning this heart always belongs to you only.....I only want you....no one can take your place in life....I just don't know when I fall in love with you.....but I also know I can't see you with some else.....you are the only love of my life....and I Love You baby..", confessed Shubman.

And before Tania and said something....Ishan stood up and went infront of Arush and Said, "Don't you want to know my answer ".

"Of course...I want to ", replied Arush.

"So listen....I know my big baby that you love me....and I also love you..... because you are the one who is always their for me....I also don't know when did I fall for you....but I only know one thing...that I don't want any other person in my life....Now, I just can't love anyone....because there is no replacement for you in my heart....now my heart is only yours...it's always be yours...no one can have this right....and last thing....I Love You too my big baby....." confessed Ishan.

Before Tania and Arush can say something or anybody can process something that what is happening....Here, Ishan and Shubman kissing each other...while pouring all of their love in the kiss.

Now, everyone got their answers...that to whom they were confessing.

After some time, they broke the kiss and Ishan said, "I hope u both got your answers clearly.....or want to know more things ".

While hearing this the whole cafeteria start laughing and Tania and Arush run from their being embarassed.

Then, Shubman turned towards Ishan and said, "I love you baby from the day when I understand the meaning of love....you are the only for me....I just can't express how much I love you".

"Aww I love you too Shubi...very much from the bottom of my heart...and wants to spend my whole life with you...I love you so much", replied Ishan.

Then, they both againg kiss each other....and after that hugged each other tightly....while the whole cafeteria is cheering for them.
(The end)


You guys can suggest me some type of oneshot..I will try to write it.

That's it, hope u like it.

Forgive me for any grammatical mistakes.

Thanks for reading.



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