Soft.... only for me💫(2)

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Shubman reached to his office and entered inside the building.

As, he entered, every employees started to wish him 'Good Morning'.......but he keep his cold and straight face and went into his personal elevator........which is only for him and his family members.

His office is on the top floor.........and there are only his cabin and meeting room........and only few people are allowed on that he likes some silence while working.

as he likes some silence while working

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(His office)

He reached to his office and sat on his seat........and tell his secretary to bring a black coffee.

His secretary came with the coffee and placed it on the table

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His secretary came with the coffee and placed it on the table.......and start telling Shubman's today's schedule.


Meanwhile, when Shubman went to his office..........Ishan went in his room and thought about reading some book.

As two hours went by........he started to feel sleepy and thought for some rest and layed on the bed.

But, he can't fell asleep........because he has the habit of hugging Shubman while sleeping.

He is just rolling here and there on the bed and start getting frustrated as he can't sleep.

He thought for some time and decided to go to Shubman's office.........he get ready and left for the office..........while taking lunch for themselves.

Ishan reached to the office building and went inside...........he directly went towards the CEO's personal elevator and entered inside.

He reached to the top floor and came out of the elevator...........went towards Shubman's cabin and ask his secretary they if Shubman is free or not.

His secretary said,"Sir is in the meeting room right now".

Ishan went in his cabin and placed the tiffin on the table and sat on the sofa ...... and closed his eyes as he is still sleepy.

But, he can't he went outside and start walking towards the meeting room.

As, the secretary saw that he is going in the meeting room.........she stopped him and said, "Sir you can't go inside, there is a important meeting going on".

Ishan: "No, I will go and you can't stop me", he yelled slowly as he is frustrated because he can't sleep.

Secretary tried to stop him but he opened the meeting room and went inside.

Meanwhile, Shubman is busy in an important meeting until they hear some commotion from the outside.

After few minutes, the door opened and there entered Ishan and behind him....his secretary.

Everyone in the meeting room started to get feared for the boy who interrupted a very important meeting.

"Sorry Sir I told Ishan sir that don't go inside but he didn't listen me", said secretary fearing because she don't want to face the CEO's anger .

Shubman: "Ok, you can go now".

Secretary: "Thank you sir", said while going outside.

Shubman: "Why are you here Ishan", said while looking towards him.

Ishan: "Shubi, I want cuddles.......I can't sleep", said while whinning and pouting .

Everyone looked towards him with mouth seriously he interrupted this meeting because he want cuddles.

They start praying for the boy because they know how much CEO get angry when someone interupt their meeting.

Shubman slowly pushed his chair backward and called Ishan towards him, "come here".

Ishan went towards Shubman and sat on his lap and hugged him tightly......and buried his face in Shubman's neck and inhaled his manly cologne.

Shubman also hugged him with his one hand and with his other hand his hold the table and pushed his chair towards the table.

Everyone looked towards Shubman as they saw any ghost.......they could not believe that the CEO is so caring for his husband.....who is looking like a baby in his arms.

Ishan: "I love you Shubi", he mummered between Shubman's neck.

Shubman: "I love you too baby, now sleep well", said while kissing his forehead.

Everyone smiled at their interaction.
And the meeting continued.

After one hour, the meeting ended and everyone went outside.

Shubman looked towards Ishan who is still in deep slumber.............So, he slowly picked him start walking towards his own cabin.

He comfortably laid Ishan on the couch and sat beside him .........start patting his head.

After a while, Ishan woke up and looked towards Ishan.......who is looking at him lovingly.

He sat on the couch and said, "Shubi, I'm hungry .... let's eat".

Then, they both ate their lunch.
(The end)


That's it, hope u like it.

Forgive me for any grammatical mistakes.

Thanks for reading.



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