Lovable enemies⚜️(1)

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Shubman and Ishan's parents are bestfriends.....they are rich businessman.......and living near by each other.

and living near by each other

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(Shubman's House)

(Shubman's House)

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(Ishan's House)

Their mothers are pregnant at same time......so, as Shubman born....after few days Ishan also born.

(I am writing younger Ishan)

As, their father's......have their office, their mothers used to spend the time together with the babies.

As a usual day, the father's are gone to the office.......and the mother's are at Gill house....they both laid the babies in the same crib.

As Ishan's mother laid baby Ishu in the crib beside baby Shub........his attention immediately went towards baby Ishu....who is beside him.

And, it's like that baby Shub is facinated by baby Ishu.....when he saw the baby's face.

He slowly lift his little fingers and poked his puffy cheeks.... firstly, baby Ishu just giggled with the tingling sensation......but as baby Shub didn't stopped poking .......he bites his finger.

And, baby Shub immediately removed his finger........and baby Ishu again start giggling while looking towards him.

Their mothers are enjoying the drama.....and also recoding the precious moments.

Time Skip,
The babie one year old...

Today, they are in the Kishan house......the babies on playing on the mat which is placed on the floor with their toys......while the mother's are in the kitchen......but time to keeping their eyes on the babies.

After some time, Ishan's mother saw that baby Shub is trying to stand up while taking a support from the sofa.

She came infront of the baby Shub and and start encouraging him.

Mrs. Kishan: "Come baby, come to me.....look I'm here", said while looking towards baby Shub.

As Ishan saw that his mother is encouraging baby Shub.......he also start try to stand ........and Mrs. Gill is cheering for him.

They both stand up with so much difficulties and start walking towards their mother with wobbly legs.

As, Ishan takes few steps his legs stuck in the mat......and he fell and start crying.......as baby Shub hears his cries......he stopped and looked behind where baby Ishu is sitting.

He slowly went towards him and give his hand to him and make him stand up.

At last, they both stand and went towards their......who happily embrace them.....in a loving hug.

10 years old...Shubman and Ishan..

Here, Ishan is running behind Shubman.....who is running towards his own house while laughing.

As, they entered in the house.....they saw that Mrs. Gill is standing there.

Shubman was about to run but.......his mother catch him.

"Leave me mom", said Shubman while struggling to get free.

"No, mom don't leave him", said Ishan.

"Baby, tell me what he did......I will punish him....for worrying you", said Mrs. Gill to Ishan.

"No, mom I didn't do anything", said Shubman.

"No, mom don't listen to him.....he is lying......you know mom.....he ate my ice - cream, and run from there .....so I can't catch him", said Ishan while making ah! such a innocent face.

Shubman's mother twisted his ears and said, "Why are u always bullying my innocent baby.

"Oh! we all know how much innocent he is", said Ishan's mother while coming in the house.

"Mamma, save me from this cruel lady....look how hardly she is twisting my ears", said Shubman while making painful face.

Shubman's mother leaves him who directly went towards Mrs. Kishan and hugged her.

"Come, baby I will give u your favourite ice-cream", said Mrs. Gill while taking Ishan towards the kitchen.

"Is it paining too much baby", said Mrs. Kishan while cheking Shubman's ear.

"No, mamma I'm alright", said Shubman.

"Come, I will also give you some icd cream", said Mrs. Kishan.

Then, both Ishan and Shubman ate their ice-cream.

Then, both Ishan and Shubman ate their ice-cream

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(I just also like ice-cream too much)
That's it, hope u like it.

Forgive me for any grammatical mistakes.

Thanks for reading.

Bye 🤗


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