Lovable enemies⚜️(4)

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Time Skip...
After 1 month...

Now, the whole university get used to Ishan and Shubman's childish fight.....how they fight with each other on some nonsense topic.....and after some time immediately patched up.

Some students laugh while seeing their cute banter......but some of them got jealous.......because the hearthrobe of the University who didn't talk with anyone softly .......now laugh while heartedly only because of his cute baby frenemy.

Here, Tania (remember the girl) is getting more jealous.....while seeing Shubman with Ishan daily......how Shubman started at him with loving eyes......she just wants to seperate them.

Here, a boy from the same University started to like Ishan.....he just always started at him whenever he gets any chance.

As always one day he is staring at Ishan from a far...... looking at the Ishan's cute smile.

While he is staring........ Tania saw him how he is staring at him.......a smirks immediately come on his face while thinking about a plan.

She slowly went near him and said, "He is beautiful......is not he".

"Yes", the boy replied still staring at Ishan.

But, then suddenly come out of his dreamy world......and looked towards her.

He just felt a little bit nervous because the way Tania is staring at him.

"I know u like him....then why don't you propose him", said Tania.

"But he will not like me", said the boy.

"No, no, no trust me he likes you.....I saw him sometimes staring at you", lied Tania try to convince him.....because he wanted Ishan to stay away from Shubman.

"Really, but how can I propose him....I'm scared", said the boy.

"Ok, let's do one thing.....you know I also like his enemy Shubman.....as you can see they always sit together in cafeteria.....so let's propose both of them together.... first I'll propose Shubman then you can propose Ishan", said Ishan.

"Are you sure we can do this", asked the boy.

"Yeah, I'm 100% sure", replied Tania.

Then, they both made a plan to propose Shubman and Ishan tomorrow in the cafeteria.


The Next Day....

Here, Shubman and Ishan are sleeping peacefully while cuddling each other in Shubman's room.

Then, after some time Ishan woke and stare at Shubman's face for some.....then wents to take a shower and get ready for the college.

After sometimes, he came wearing one of the Shubman's hoodie......he just like to wears his clothes which smells like him.

He went near Shubman and started to shake him and said, "Shubi wake up....you are gonna be let for college".

Shubman just halfly opened his eyes and sat on the bed.

"Come on go take a shower and get ready.....I'm going downstairs to help mom", said Ishan while leaving the room.

After sometime, Shubman takes a shower and entered in his closet to get ready........he started to find his favourite hoodie but can't find it.

Then, he shouted from upstairs, "Mom where is my white hoodie".

Here, downstairs Ishan is helping Mrs. in setting the dining table until they here Shubman voice.

They can't hear properly what he said so Mrs. Gill said, " Ishu Baby can you please go and check him......why he is shouting".

"Ok, mom", said Ishan while walking towards Shubman's room.

He entered into the room and said, "what happened why are you shouting in the morning".

"I can't............"before Shubman can say futher he turned around and looked towards Ishan.

Here, he is finding his favourite hoodie .......but Ishan is already wearing it.

but Ishan is already wearing it

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"Why did you wear my hoodie.......and you know that this is my favourite one", said Shubman.

"So, what I can wear whatever I want", replied Ishan.

"No, give back to me my hoodie", said Shubman.

"Ok, I'll give it back to you........but I'll also take my all clothes which you steal from me", said Ishan while smiling mischievously.

"No, you can't do this......now they are mine", said Shubman.

"Try me", replied Ishan.

"Ok, fine just forgot it......I'll wear another one.

"That's like a good boy", said Ishan.

"Oh baby! You don't know how much bad boy I'm", replied Shubman while smirking.

"Really but I just always saw a baby in this big body", said Ishan.

"Want me to show you", said Shubman while coming close to him.

"No thanks.....I don't have any interest ", said while pushing him softly.

Shubman just laughed at him.

"Don't show me your yellow teeth......get ready fast or else you will be late for the University", said Ishan and leaves the room.

Then, he got ready and both of them had their breakfast and leaves for their University in Shubman's car.

That's it, hope u like it.

I'll update one more last part.

Forgive me for any grammatical mistakes.

Thanks for reading.



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