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After some time, Shubman saw that Ishan is trying to open his eyes.....he is mumbling something.....but he can't hears what.

So, he slowly moved his ears towards Ishan's face....and try to listen the incoherent words.

His hearts skips a bit when he hears the words from Ishan's mouth.

"No, no, no please don't kill him.....leave him baby....please leave us....I'm begging you", this is Ishan is mumbling in his sleep....and some tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Baby wake up...look there is no one...wake up baby", said Shubman while shaking him.

Then, Ishan suddenly woke up from his dream and when he looked towards the person infront him....he immediately burst into the tears...and tightly hugged Shubman....and start crying on his chest loudly.

"Shh baby... don't cry look I'm here.....everything is alright", Shubman said while consoling him.

After sometime Ishan calm down a little.....but still tightly hugging him....and then started to spoke.

"Shubi....our baby.....they killed our baby....they just lied to me about everything ", mumbled Ishan as again he was about to cry thinking all those memory.

"Shh.....I know baby, but for now please stop crying.....or you will again faint", whispered Shubman.

After spending some time together.... Shubman said, "Let's go baby....I'll drop you to your need rest....your parents will be worried about you".

Upon hearing about his parents.....he immediately clutch Shubman shirt and said, "No, no, no Shubi...I don't want to go to them....I want to be with you....they will again seperate us....I don't want to loose know na everything.....they..they killed our baby....and you still want to send me to them".

"Shh baby .....calm down...ok, ok I'll not take you to them....but please relax baby", Shubman said with soft voice.

Then, Shubman sat on the bed and made Ishan sat on his lap and hugged him tightly while rubbing his back to calm him down.

After that they both started to talk about their past their love suffer too much.

Their past life......
Some decades year ago...
Ishan (I just can't think about any royal name, so I'm taking this modern name) is the prince of the Golden Empire Kingdom.....which is right now the most strongest Kingdom in the blood.

His father and mother are the King and Queen of the kingdom......and Ishan is the crown prince.

and Ishan is the crown prince

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(The palace)

(The palace)

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