Chapter 2; Heart To Heart With Elrond

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"Come and get me!" Radagast yells and successfully gains every orc's and warg's attention.

"Come on! Stay together." Gandalf pushes the dwarves to follow the elf even after their multiple objections. Durion leads them from boulder to boulder, doing his best to keep the company out of sight. The elf digs his heels into the ground as he suddenly stops, the weight of a couple of dwarves slamming into him.

"Ori! No, come back!" Thorin grabbed at the dwarf who almost ran past them. The clang of armor against armor is loud. So loud it makes Durion wince. Paws hitting the ground stop above them, on the large rock they are hiding behind. Thorin nods at one of the younger dwarves, who notches an arrow into his bow and with a deep breath moves to kill. The shot is off and it is definitely not a silent kill. The warg howls in pain as it falls in front of them. The orc riding it screams before he is crushed by the large animal. Before the dwarves kill it, it manages to let out one more howl and Durion curses.

"All of you, come on. Come on! Quickly!" Gandalf yells.

"Follow me!" They should make it, they're not far.

"Move! Run!"

"There they are!" One of the dwarves shouted and swung his weapon at the warg.

"This way!" Durion yelled as he finally saw the hidden entrance to the small tunnel. The elf jumped in, Gandalf swiftly following. They let out a sigh of relief and smiled at each other before they realized the dwarves weren't following.

"Where's Gandalf?!"

"He's abandoned us!" They heard from the outside.

"Damn it..." Groaned Durion and prepared his bow. He then climbed back up and provided cover as Gandalf got the attention of the company.

"This way, you fools!" The dwarves pile in while Durion keeps the orcs at bay. He curses again when he hears an elven horn and he jumps back into the tunnel. An orc falls after him and he barely rolls away so that he isn't crushed. The orc does not move from the ground. Thorin ripped the broken arrow out of its back.

"Elves!" He spats out and Durion rolls his eyes. The elf slings his bow back over his shoulder and continues through the tunnel. After a while of grumbling the wizard convinces the dwarves to follow. The sunlight hits his face and he sighs.

"The Valley of Imladris. In common tongue it's known by another name." Durion heard Gandalf behind him.

"Rivendell..." The hobbit, Bilbo, as he introduced himself, sighs.

"Here lies the last homely house east of the sea." A sudden shove makes Durion stumble and he turns to face a very angry dwarf.

"You let the elf bring us here?! To our enemy?!" Thorin speaks to Gandalf but his eyes don't leave Durion.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself."

"You think elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us."

"Of course, they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm, which is why you will leave the talking to me." The wizard's eyes sparked with warning before turning to Durion. "You didn't do anything too stupid in the last decade, did you?"

"Like... to Elrond?"

"To any important person in Imladris." Durion stared for a moment before biting his bottom lip and looking away. "Durion..."

"Okay, to my defense, gold is totally not Elrohir's color. And I didn't want Elladan to feel left out."

"Both of them?!"

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