Chapter 7; Not a Very Graceful Exit

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Durion was dragged off into the dungeons, just two levels above the dwarves. The iron bars slammed shut behind him and the dark haired elf was left staring at the small cell. His back hit the wall and he slid down as his knees slowly gave out with the realization of his fate. Dawn was in less than six hours. Durion prayed that Gandalf really had a knack for timely arrivals.


He sat there for maybe half an hour when he heard some female voice speak to one of the dwarves, Kili, by the sound of the voice that responded. As much as he didn't want to listen in, there wasn't much noise he could focus on instead, so he heard their conversation. Durion was surprised to find out his execution was scheduled for the morning after Mereth-En-Gilith, The Feast of Starlight. A figure moved outside of his cell and Durion craned his neck to see who came to visit. It was prince Legolas, staring down at the she-elf and Kili with a carefully worn blank mask. The prince didn't seem to know Durion was in this cell.

"Not at the party?" Durion asked in a quiet voice and Legolas startled. When the prince noticed Durion in the cell, he turned on his heel and began walking away. Sudden panic filled Durion's thoughts and all he could do was to call out "Wait! Please." and was surprised but happy that the prince did so. Even if the prince's tense shoulders clearly showed that he was ready to leave at any moment. "Can... can you describe the dreams to me?" The prince looks at him over his shoulder.

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm trying to prove my innocence and save my life." His voice cracked and if they were in any other situation, Durion would have blushed in embarrassment.

"I shouldn't be here." Legolas turns away and Durion's eyes widen.

"Do you think that Gandalf the Gray would willingly walk side by side with someone who curses elven princes for fun?!" He tried as the last resort. Legolas stood frozen, back towards Durion. "Please, I swear to you on my life, I did not do this." He was pleading and he knew it. Legolas sighs and leans his back on the wall outside of his cell. Then he slides down and sits on the ground. Now they are on the same level.

"It always starts the same. You're running and calling out to me, telling me to hurry up and follow. It's white, all around us, and I follow. Then the scene changes and you're fighting orcs in some ruins. A dark shadow shows up and strikes you down with one blow. Then it changes again and you're standing in front of a kneeling man. He looks like a ranger of Gondor. The top half of your face is covered with a black mask with mithril detailing. You lift a sword and kill him with it, behind you is Mordor with its armies, and a flaming eye is watching you. Then you turn and look straight at me, even when there are hundreds of soldiers between us, and you point the sword covered in blood in my direction. That is always the moment that I notice you wear a ring on your finger." Durion feels chills run down his spine. "A ring glowing pure, cold, starlight white. A ring of power. So tell me, Durion, how is that supposed to make me not wary of you?" Durion stays quiet, trying to find sense in the prince's dream. "Every time I fall asleep I see your face covered in a black mask and blood. You might see now my reluctance to trust you." Legolas glares at the ebony haired elf, but the look quickly dissolves when the prince sees the complete confusion on his face. Durion, in that short moment it takes him to process those words, slumps back. He looks broken, like his darkest suspicion has been proven correct.

"Do I look like a dark elf?" Durion asked, his voice so quiet and sincere that Legolas felt bad.

"You look like no one I've ever seen." Legolas said carefully, something about the other elf's wary expression told him he had to be careful with what he said.

"Why does the King want some white gems from the Mountain? I imagine he has hundreds of those." Sighed Durion, forcefully changing the subject.

"They aren't just any gems. They are the White Gems of Lasgalen. My father had them commissioned from the dwarves for my mother, but she died before they were finished. Then Thror refused to hand them over after she passed. Apparently the dwarf thought it would be a shame if they were just collecting dust." The prince explained, tone a little sour.

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