Chapter 3; Way Too Many Powerful People for Durion's Liking

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When Durion heard that Gandalf called for him, he expected many things, but not this. Not the White Wizard Saruman nor the Lady of Lórien Galadriel. He froze in the doorway and his mouth slightly opened. As he scrambled into a clumsy bow for the two powerful beings he sent his best 'what the hell' look to Gandalf.

"Is this who you called for, Gandalf? An ordinary elf?" Saruman speaks and Durion looks up into the wizard's dark eyes. Something in Saruman's previously doubtful expression changes into something more curious. "Hmm... perhaps not so ordinary." Durion doesn't understand what he means and it must show on his face, because Lady Galadriel soothingly smiles at him.

"Yes." Gandalf does not elaborate so Durion retreats to a corner of the room where he won't be in anyone's way.

"Tell me, Gandalf, did you think these plans and schemes of yours would go unnoticed?" Saruman questions Gandalf and Durion suddenly understands what this meeting is about.

"Unnoticed? No, I'm simply doing what I feel to be right."

"The dragon has long been on your mind." Lady Galadriel turns from the balcony and looks at the Gray wizard.

"This is true, my lady. Smaug owes allegiance to no one. But if he should side with the enemy, a dragon could be used to terrible effect."

"What enemy? Gandalf, the enemy is defeated. Sauron is vanquished. He can never regain his full strength."

"Gandalf, for four hundred years, we have lived in peace. A hard­won, watchful peace." Elrond steps closer.

"Are we? Are we at peace? Trolls have come down from the mountains. They are raiding villages, destroying farms. Orcs have attacked us on the road. Durion was attacked on his way to Shire." Durion realizes how much he doesn't want to be brought up in the conversation.

"Hardly a prelude to war."

"Always you must meddle, looking for trouble where none exists."

"Let him speak." Both, Elrond and Saruman, listen to Lady Galadriel and take a breath.

"There is something at work beyond the evil of Smaug. Something far more powerful. We can remain blind, but it will not be ignoring us, that I can promise you. A sickness lies over the Greenwood. The woodsmen who live there now call it 'Mirkwood'. and they say..." Gandalf cuts himself off.

"Well, don't stop now. Tell us about what the woodsmen say."

"They speak of a Necromancer living in Dol Guldur, a sorcerer who can summon the dead." Durion looks up from the spot on the ground he's been staring at. Lady Galadriel notices his sudden movement.

"That's absurd. No such power exists in the world. This...Necromancer is nothing more than a mortal man. A conjurer dabbling in black magic."

"And so I thought too. But, Radagast has seen­-"

"Radagast? Do not speak to me about Radagast the Brown. He is a foolish fellow."

"Well, he's odd, I grant you. He lives a solitary life."

"It's not that. It's his excessive consumption of mushrooms. They've addled his brain and yellowed his teeth. I warned him, it is unbefitting of the Istari to wander in the woods..." Saruman continues and Durion finds himself frowning, not liking one bit how the wizard talks about his friend. Gandalf suddenly reaches into his cloak and pulls out the wrapped blade Durion and Radagast brought from Dol Guldur.

"What is that?" Elrond asks and reaches for the wrapping.

"A relic of Mordor." Lady's words stop the elven lord for a moment, but then he unwraps it. The blade gleams coldly in the setting sun.

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