Chapter 9; Sweet Dreams are Made To Confuse You

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First, he saw darkness. It felt like an unbreakable blanket of the deepest blackness Durion has ever seen. For a moment, he stumbled around, trying to find anything that would tell him where he was.

"Durion." A male voice called out to him. The elf squinted into the dark void, but didn't see anyone. "Durion!"

"I can't see you!" Durion called back. "Where are you?!"

"Hurry Durion!"

"Hurry where?!" A flash of light momentarily blinded him, but his eyes adjusted quickly. The lean figure that glowed so bright in front of him had long, light hair and wore a tunic of green.

Durion recognised that face.


"Come on." The elven prince urges him and starts running away. Durion sprints after him, but the other is too fast for him to keep up.

"Wait-" He shouts and then trips over something. He falls onto a wooden floor with a dull thud. When he looks back, he is met with a limp body of a dead orc. Durion scrambled back, heart thumping in his chest a mile a minute. He is back on his feet the next moment, looking around in confusion. He can see Fili and Oin stumbling around with various pieces of furniture in hands, ready to attack anyone who came near Kili, who was screaming and swearing in pain on the ground, and Bard's children.

"You killed them all." Bain sighs in relief and smiles past Durion. The elf turns around and sees Legolas and an elven woman with red hair. She is kneeling next to Kili, looking at his leg with horror.

'It has to be poisoned.' Durion's mind supplies.

"There are others. Tauriel, come." The prince of Mirkwood says and heads to the door. Tauriel looks up.

"We're losing him!" Oin cries and holds Kili's head in his hands. Tauriel looks conflicted and Durion knows he can't do anything for Kili. He doesn't know how he knows, but he knows he's tried anything he could. The elf that knew elven healing was standing up, leaving with her prince. The moment the two stepped out of the house durion knew that Kili was going to die.

Durion jerked awake with a gasp, bolting upright, terror in his heart.

"Hey, hey, Durion calm down! You're alright." Bard was kneeling next to the couch he was lying on. Funny, he could have sworn he fell asleep on the floor.

"Oh Valar, my head hurts." Durion squeezes his eyes shut and presses his palms against his temples. "W-where is everybody?" He then asks as he notes the very noticeable absence of the company.

"They already departed for the mountain." Bard scoffed.

"They what?!" Durion shouted and regretted it immediately afterwards as his head threatened to split open. Bard gets up and brings him a glass of cold water that Durion thankfully gulps down. Then there is a panicked knocking on the door. Bard leaves Durion to open the door.

"No. I'm done with dwarves. Go away." Durion hears him say and stretches to look who it is.

"No, no, no! No one will help us; Kili's sick. He's very sick." Bofur pleads and Durion almost falls to the floor in his hurry to get up. The knuckles of Bard's hand that holds the door go white for a moment before he lets the dwarves in.

"Durion!" Fili shouts in surprise.

"Get him on the bed!" The elf shouts as he sees the sweat drenched dwarf's face.

"Ugh! Argh!" Kili screams and Durion rushes to unwrap the blood soaked bandages on his thigh.

"Sigrid, can you boil some water, please?" The girl nods and rushes to the stove.

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