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waking up i wasn't that energetic, staring at my ceiling, not that excited to go to school at all, i mean I've never been its school, i would rather rot in my bed.

I got up eventually hearing the floor crack because of my footsteps wandering to the bathroom staring at myself once again. Washing my face and brushing my teeth I wandered back to my room.

Sitting in front my my little makeup mirror getting ready, making sure i look presentable. Brushing my wavy hair and putting it into a ponytail styling my bangs along with it, putting on a pink natural lipstick.

Wearing a black turtle neck with a long grey skirt and a belt i went downstairs, going downstairs theres portraits. Of me and my parents, im an only child and going downstairs i love staring at the portraits it always catches my eyes.

Deep in though i did wonder what it was like with siblings. I mean if i had problems who would i talk trough it with? If i needed someone to gossip with who would i do it with? I had my mom but at the same time you can't really tell her everything, with siblings im sure its different.

Getting my gaze off the portraits i made it downstairs, silence. My parents were probably working, they leave early before i wake up most of the time depending on their schedules.

It isn't always that i sit at the table every morning with my parents around. I do sometimes sit alone in the morning making myself something and sitting down in peace only with my thoughts around me, with no one to talk or judge me.

My footsteps made its way towards the gates of the school, i was late.

Entering i looked around trying to see if there was any sign of Michele or Simone. I let myself walk further in hopes of seeing them somewhere around here but instead i saw him. Staring right back at me, this time he was in front me and not turned back which made me look at his face getting to see him even better.

"Its rude to stare at people you know?" He spoke looking at me up and down in wonder, as if he wasn't doing the same thing i scoffed before speaking.

"Maybe you should take ur own advice then? I wasn't the only one staring" i spoke, glancing at him

"Feisty aren't we" he smirked yet again finding it assuming someone spoke to him that way as if he never got disrespected especially by a woman.

I glanced away not feeling bothered to reply, i made my words clear and im not in the mood to argue with some guy i don't even know, yet spare one minute with him. His vibe seems off considering the way he acted yesterday especially I already know enough.

"Descamps come over here" a guy yelled further away from us, i stared at the direction the guy yelled at and saw a group of boys waving at him to come over, he took his eyes off me looking at the direction the guy called out for him.

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