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i should, i should talk to someone about this, simone opened up to me about her love for Jean-Pierre she trusted me. I need to get this out of my chest.

I walked trough the neighbourhood eventually getting in front of simone's door, i raised my hand ready to knock, should i do this or not? whatever i knocked twice hearing footsteps inside coming closer to open the door.

"Clara? What are you doing here" Simone looked shocked not expecting to see me here.

"Can we talk, outside while walking" i spoke looking at her uneasy, in this fresh air its better to walk and talk because sitting would only make it worse.

We walked trough the streets the weather was nice just perfect for a walk and talk, I hesitated should i talk or not? She trusted me enough to tell me about her love life why should i not. Love life?

"Spill it" she nudged me looking at me "i can see you're face mixed with all emotions at once spill it out" she spoke.

I don't know where to start or how to even start, "have u ever felt like, you know those days when you get the mean reds, you're just sad thats all suddenly your afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of, did u ever get that feeling?" I said looking at her sincerely all my emotions building up having the urge to just spill everything

"I did, but why is there anything bothering you" she said hooking my arms with hers, walking together in the wind enjoying the view in-front of us, humans walking around alone, a couple, old people its very interesting knowing how everyone has a life and a story.

A love story, a sad story, a crazy story you never know.

"I want changes, a fresh start" i said looking at the barber shop next to me. A woman with short hair styled perfectly walked past me, i stared at her amazement, Hair has memories a lot of memories, cutting it away gives it a fresh start.

Simone stopped looking at me then to the barber shop and then to me again, she smirked as if she could read my mind.

"You sure" she said, i gave her an answer by dragging her into the shop with me, opening the door a man greeted me instantly.

He sat me down while simone sat next to me staring at me, "just cut thank you" i said looking up at him trough the big mirror in front of me.

"Just cut" he spoke, i nodded looking ahead of me staring at myself in the mirror.

"Cut so" he held my hair at the very end showing a little hair.

"Higher" i said looking ahead of me already making my decision.

"So" he said only a little bit higher.

"More" i nodded my head staring at him trough the mirror.

"Where" he spoke letting my hair go staring at me. "Here" i spoke my hands on my shoulder and neck wanting it very short.

He started cutting one by one, finishing it not yet i already stared at myself in amaze, i liked it, he was yet to style it but i felt more prettier and more like myself, this is me this is a fresh start to my hair and myself. I turned taking in every detail of my hair analysing it. I looked down at my hair that was all on the ground.

He styled my, hair cleaning it up i smiled at myself taking it all in, Simone stared at me with thumbs up in the back smiling very wide at me. "Thank you" i spoke softly staring at the hairstylist who had just done my hair perfectly, he smiled at me. "You a model?" He spoke in a certain accent. I giggled at him shaking my head smiling showing my straight white teeth.

I touched my hair smiling widely "you were pretty, but now its cool" he spoke very hyped proud of the work he has done. I laughed at him nicely still in awe.

I stood up turning to Simone who was already staring at me with wide eyes smiling, we walked towards the door getting out the fresh air around my neck, Simone turned to me "you look very pretty Clara, you're perfect" she said looking at me i looked back at her smiling hugging her sides while we walked down heading towards the park, "thank you simone, for sticking by my side trough this process" i said smiling at her. A ice cream truck sound came from far away and we looked at each-other running towards it like little kids.

We laughed while walking further eating our ice creams talking about anything. We turned towards each other saying our goodbyes while simone walked down heading towards her neighbourhood, i turned around heading down towards the streets wandering around, i walked towards the stairs sitting on-top of a stone licking my ice cream enjoying the view around me.

I felt a presence behind me, turning around i saw descamps, hands in his pocket staring down at me. "Certainly didn't recognise you here, young" he spoke taking a seat next to me. I touched my hair staring at him "why would you care" i said turning my head to ahead of me, I certainly don't forget the way he treated me and now has the decency to sit next to me and have a conversation.

I could feel his eyes on me "it looks good" he spoke, i turned around staring at him. He pointed at my hair "makes us see ur face better" he said staring somewhere else not keeping eye contact. "Didn't think you would even care, maybe it was good if u didn't see my face that often huh" i said with attitude.

"I should get going" i said finishing off my ice cream getting down carefully before i trip with my long skirt.

"Wait" he said, i turned back looking up at him confused tilting my head.

"Time" he said softly, "lets get to know each other, our first encounter might not been well but everything needs a fresh start" he smiled. A genuine smile that makes him look as innocent as ever, and handsome. But yet weird why the sudden change it doesn't feel right.

"Why would you want to spend time with someone like me anyway, if this is one of you're games i should get going" i said staring up at him my face filled with confusion, i was uninterested.

"Would you ever look at the bright side and stop this negative influence you have on me, let me have a chance as a human" he said, he spoke very clear which makes me believe him.

"Im sorry" i said, smiling at him in attempt to give him a chance, i walked forward down the stairs turning back at him, "what are you waiting for" i laughed skipping down the stairs faster my skirt twirling around.

quick note, this chapter is based off Roman Holiday a movie where audrey played in, i take a couple scenes from the movie blending it in with the story.
200 reads thank u sm ! MWAH
(also my presentation went so good for anyone wondering)
thank u for reading hope u enjoyed it
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 💐

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