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-waking up wasn't really the best, i havent even gotten much sleep because i just couldn't stop thinking about that school, what it looks like or how the people are, or worse if i will get the same hate like i used to? sighing i just pulled the co...

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waking up wasn't really the best, i havent even gotten much sleep because i just couldn't stop thinking about that school, what it looks like or how the people are, or worse if i will get the same hate like i used to? sighing i just pulled the covers up and went into the bathroom.

after doing my business, i stood infront my mirror seated staring at myself, it felt like hours even tho it was just a minute.

I started doing my hair brushing my bangs and letting my hair lose this time, i went and picked an outfit i think would be suitable, the weather was nice which was atleast a good thing.

"Clara, come eat breakfast" my mom yells at me from downstairs
I wasn't really much in the mood because my mind is just full with questions.

I ignored it and went downstairs to eat.
"are you excited for ur first day?" my dad questioned, utterly excited for me, which I couldn't say the same.

of course not "i am" i said obviously lying but i didn't wanna upset them. after a while of eating and just talking about none other than school i grew tired of it since my parents couldn't discuss anything else.

"well looks like the time is here i gotta go, bye mum and dad love u guys" i said standing up and kissing them both on their cheeks immediately wanting to go.

"have a nice day" my mom yells while im already at the door getting my shoes on, fixing my jacket before opening the door.

The breeze hits my face instantly, it was very refreshing. Mornings are usually always calm around this neighbourhood, very quiet that i can hear anything, the tree noises due to the wind, the birds making their usual sounds that always bring up a nostalgia feeling through my body.

I biked my way to school, while biking my mind constantly began to think about school again, i was to deep in my thought's that i didn't notice the person crossing the road.

The person and i fell as hard as ever on the ground, i started grunting in pain catching my breath, while being in shock, the person was cursing under his breath, and hearing his voice i could tell it was a man. i stared up at the guy and quickly apologised.

still in shock, my heart was beating so hard and I frantically stared apologising meaning every word, technically this was my fault for not paying attention.

"im so sorry, are you okay" i asked sincerely feeling bad looking up to him trying to see if I injured him somewhere making sure the coast was clear.

"ofcourse im not, don't u watch where ur going?" He yelled suddenly, making my eyes widened, i stared at him my mouth slightly open not knowing what to say for a couple of seconds.

i was shocked but wasn't gonna back down and yelled back "oh im sorry but if a person crosses a road doesn't he look left and right?" i stared at him now my heart beating even faster but i tried to stay at least calm or look calm.

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