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"And i for sure love him, im amazed by him" simone spoke while we were walking towards the benches

Sitting down i looked at her in adore happy that shes in love, "i can assure you he definitely feels the same i mean there is a huge tension between you guys" i said smiling at her.

"You really think so" she said looking at me, "i know so" i said smirking back at her.

She pulled me in a huge hug "thank u thank u" she said swinging me side by side, i laughed hugging back.

"Whats all this happiness here" Michele came down to sit smiling at us.

"Were just happy" simone said looking at me as in don't tell her yet why.

I look back at Michele "whats going on with you and Alain Laubrac huh" i looked at her wiggling my eyebrows.

She slouched down resting her head on the table "i don't know" she mumbled, i patted her head comforting her she poked her head up staring at me "do you have anyone you're interested in?" She said looking at me for answers.

I don't know to be honest do i? the image of Descamps face comes to my head but i shake the thought off, theres nothing going on between us, there never will be im just imagining things he isn't someone i should be with or even could be with anyway.

"Earth to Clara" simone waved her hand in front me, i stared at giggling "sorry, uh no not really interested in people here" i told them looking around.

"We should get going" i said standing up getting ready to go to class and get this day over with.

Sitting i knew a pair of eyes were staring at me, i ignored it to lazy to even lookup since that night i just havent gotten much sleep i closed my eyes for 1 hour and still stayed awake, im so tired i just wanna run home but instead im stuck here sitting on the chair listening to the teacher talking for hours.

My footsteps where clicking on the marble floor while im fixing my backpack to finally go home, i told my goodbyes to Simone and Michele and made my way towards the gates to leave, i walked around before stopping to sit at the park, the park we sat in together i pulled out my book just reading, the weather was nice and i felt like just enjoying it before going home this can calm my head because i know at home i wont even be focused.

Finishing off i stood up walking i saw someone propped up against the wall looking at something, strangely he was observing the people, I walked not making a sound and saw Michele and Alain Laubrac together im guessing saying goodbyes to each other, i looked at the persons back of the head when he eventually turned around widening his eyes, i stared back "Descamps" i said confused looking at him wondering what the hell hes doing out here spying on my best friend.

"Young, let ur presence known the next time" he said in anger mixed with terror looking back noticing that Laubrac and Michele were long gone, this makes me confused why is he spying on them? What does he want or what is he even doing?

"Not my fault ur out here spying on people like a creep" i said looking at him waiting for an answer or explanation?

"not any of ur business anyway get going" he said walking away bumping his shoulder onto me, i stared at his back confused talking about changing he would never.

The same arrogant boy last night was a whole different person, knowing him why should I bother he wont change nor will he get respect ever in his life, and i came to think i liked him.

As in a person not "love" i made my way home thoughts lingering with me about "him" all day long every second he just doesn't leave my mind. Does he ever think the same?

Getting inside i saw my mom "Hey sweetheart, we havent talked much i just made tea we should sit and talk huh" she said smiling i nodded before getting upstairs to change into comfortable clothes, heading downstairs i sat on the chair facing her she grabbed the two mugs setting it down on the table staring at me smiling while sitting down.

"How has it been so far with school and everything" she said looking at me taking a sip of her tea, i stared down i don't know what to say or where to start so far its going crazy, "honestly its good i have friends that are super nice its all fine" i said smiling adding sugar to my tea mixing it up.

"Sweetheart these days u have been off, you know you can talk to me right" she said her face in worry while grabbing my hands comforting me. I should i have no one to talk to about this and i need answers to my thoughts and feelings, my mom was in-love she went trough school she could answer me, she could tell me why i keep thinking about him or why my thoughts are like this, i need to let my feelings out to someone someday and i could never talk to Michele or Simone about this.

Could i?

late chapter, y'all i have a presentation tomorrow that I've been working on all week, which is why the chapters are short. (pray for me)
thank u for reading !!! MWAH
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 💐

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