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entering classes we sat down next to each other this time, I thought about if i told simone i have to tell michele to, which i can say i don't know if i should?

she could clearly understand me or the exact opposite, half the lesson my thoughts wondered to what i would say to her, and i tried imagining her reactions in different ways and to see how i would be able to handle it.

I sat there for a while deep in thought to not realise simone was pinching my arm to earn my attention making me snap out of my gaze to stare at her.

"Half the lesson you keep staring at the floor deep in thought, whats wrong?" I don't know if i should tell her or if I shouldn't.

Maybe i wont even tell michele anything maybe i will, i need at least a couple of days to think about this and practice the conversation perhaps in front a mirror.

"just tired" i said looking back in front of me so i can actually pay attention and learn something this school year, because half the time im doing anything else than listen and i need to take it serious.

simone nodded and also turned to look at the board following the lesson taking some notes, she takes notes for her or me because she knows half the time I daydream and her response was always "i want you to have a better future to" which is honestly the kindest most thoughtful thing ever.

To lose simone would honestly break me, we have made such a good friendship together and i know we wont lose each other that fast especially because of a boy, but its not just a boy, i know friends fight, it happens. Its truly a natural thing i mean sometimes something just gets in the way, something you knew or it could be the most unexpected thing ever.

Ending the lessons we all decided to hang out to go out and eat something to spend time together.

"This cafe is honestly the best one, they have really good food and treats!" Michele explained while we followed her to the small yet very cute cafe.

We sat down gathering out stuff.

"This much homework is gonna make me wanna kill myself" i grunted out huffing putting my hand on my chin slouching down


"Well don't say such things" simone glared at me before returning back to her notes.

"I was joking" I mumbled

I rubbed my arm in pain damn shes strong, i also bend down to get my backpack pulling my notes to get ready on working.

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