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-the bell rang which meant class was beginning, i stood up and went to sit down in an empty spot before all students came wandering inside, i look around to see everyones faces and landed on him already staring at me

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the bell rang which meant class was beginning, i stood up and went to sit down in an empty spot before all students came wandering inside, i look around to see everyones faces and landed on him already staring at me. I looked the other way not bothered, i mean accidents happen right? you should get over it.

A teacher stepped inside causing the whole class to fall silent "im miss Giraud your homeroom teacher" she spoke looking at each and one of us, she look intimidating and rather scary to be honest.

"Girl in blonde stand up" she ordered, confused i glanced at the blonde girl while she stood up "Its Annick Sabiani madam" she spoke very clear looking directly back at her gaze standing tall.

"Where do you think you are miss Sabiani? Do you think its okay to sit next to a boy" she spoke in a harsh voice staring at Annick, my face full of confusion wondering what was even going on.

"Pack up your things" Annick got the message and got up to gather her stuff until madam Giraud spoke again "Not you, him" she pointed her head at the direction of I suppose Pichon, who i also got know when i talked with Simone and Michele. I turned my head to stare at Pichon who looked confused glancing around before speaking up.

"But i cant see the board all the way back there" he spoke in worry but Madam Giraud did not care one bit. He slowly got up gathering his stuff and i felt bad. While walking the guy i bumped into held out his foot for Pichon to trip on, muttering a couple words before it that i didn't hear, Pichon tripped and all the guys started laughing, i stared down at Pichon in shock turning my head back up to look at all the guys laughing at him.

I slowly looked away feeling super bad and feeling sickening at the though of those guys, acting like a bunch of kids.

When it was time to go home ending all the lessons i wandered up to gather my stuff and leave till someone called my name, turning my head around it was Michele, she ran and when she catches her breath finally she speaks "Lets go outside and chill at the benches" she spoke with a smile, i turned my head to her "Im sorry but i must go home" i spoke staring at her i didn't wanna be around here anymore, she looked at me in a form of understanding and let me go.

I picked up my bike hung my backpack over my shoulder and started biking my way home.

I entered the keys into the door and bent down to take my shoes off and put them on the rack, getting up i decide to to my room and change.

Changing my clothes to get more comfortable i made my way to my mirror, brushing my hair and staring at myself like i always do every time i look at myself.

I stared at myself thinking about how quickly life changes, letting my overthinking get to me again but i cant help it, its just always there and wont ever leave.

Growing up I've learned many things, and experienced a lot trough out the process. Many times back in my old town people used to say "im pretty" "im perfect" "i got it all" but was it really that? Staring at myself i didn't see that, i didn't see a perfect girl i saw a girl who has been trough stuff.

Scared to speak up i once told someone about it, their response was "your pretty it doesn't matter" but it did. Why was my voice never heard? Did it not matter did "i" not matter?

Standing up from the mirror and letting my thoughts go away i stood up to sit in my bed and lay down trying to think positive and do something to distract myself.

I heard a door shut downstairs meaning one of my parents came home but i was to tired to stand up and go downstairs to check it.

My mom wandered in my room smiling at me, her footsteps coming closer and she sat at the edge of my bed looking at me "so tell me about it" she spoke smirking.

"It was normal, quite weird to go to all boys school but I managed to make friends with a couple of girls" i spoke staring at her showing her im perfectly fine, my mom knows everything about me, the things i went trough so she always comes and makes sure im doing well checking up on me.

"Thats good honey, if there's anything else let me know" she spoke softly staring at me before getting up to leave closing my door hearing her footsteps wander downstairs.

I stared back at the ceiling, today wasn't so bad, i can manage it I've met two wonderful girls and i can tell we would be good friends, at least hoping so.

"If theres anything else let me know" her voice echoed in my mind, is there anything tho?

very short chapter because i was honestly rushing and had to update

next chapter will make her and Joseph interact.

Theres more to Clara's life than we though? Stay tuned for the next chapter
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 💐

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