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walking trough the grass, my hair behind my back and my bangs messy because of the wind. Making my way into school i met up with Simone, she was talking about something interesting, seeing the look on her face and how serious she was.

She turned to look at me "What do you think Clara? Will Descamps show up today after yesterdays events" she spoke looking at me waiting for an answer.

"I really don't know, he lost an eye basically so if i was him i surely wouldn't come the next day" i said looking at her, deep down i did wonder a lot if he did show up what will happen? Will he even show up? Whatever don't think about him.

"With his good hair, good manners handsome face, no one will think about that boy who lost his eye" simone daydreamed speaking im guessing about jean-pierre.

Me and Simone walked up to Michele sitting on the stairs noticing us she stood up, "how are you feeling" i asked to Michele wondering how all the things that happend right know must've felt for her it was her who got soaked yesterday and who's brother will get expelled maybe.

Before she could speak up we heard a couple gasps coming from people and everyone turning their head towards a direction, turning around also confused i saw Descamps, shocked i stare in confusion, wondering why hes here why his here, glancing i saw him wearing an white eyepatch, no more laughing in his face no more spark or jokes, it was all just blank, he walked away not caring less that eyes were on him.

"Didn't expect that we would've seen him so soon" Michele muttered.

Entering the classroom getting in our seats the lesson started, i couldn't help but glance at Descamps as if he knew he stared right back, no emotions he stared right back focusing on the board.

I looked straight ahead to try and focus on the class but I wasn't that bothered to even listen to the teacher talking about the same thing over and over again.

Taking a deep breath glancing around to waste time, i wanted the lesson to just end. Matter of fact i didn't even pay attention and don't know what the hell were supposed to do right know.

Leaving i decided to walk fast wanting to go home desperately done with today, turning around the corner i bumped into someone harshly causing me to scrunch my face closing my eyes in pain, because of the sudden impact.

"Second time you bumped into me, im guessing now ur doing this on purpose" a voice spoke and i for sure knew who already.

Staring up at him with a non interested face "doing this on purpose?" I laughed finding it funny how hes always so full of himself, always standing confident as if everyone wants him.

"losing an eye, at least i can walk straight" he spoke throwing daggers at me as if im his biggest enemy ever, truly did not scare me at all.

"at least i have manners, which is why im not like you" i said not bothering to wait for his reaction or answer  turning around, i walked away holding my backpacks strap tighter, staring right ahead of me ignoring his eyes that i can feel on my back, i don't have the time nor the energy for someone like him.

"Manners? Maybe you should come over and teach me sometime" he spoke loudly so i could hear, turning around i stared right back at him.

"maybe i should, at least then you will learn a life lesson and change" i said looking at him smirking, I wasn't serious about it obviously the last thing I'll do is waste my free time on him, i just did it to shut him up clearly he didn't take the note.

"I'll look up for it" he spoke glancing at me,  flicking his cigarette and walking away till he was out of sight. Making me stare at his back in confusion and wonder.

last thing i need is teaching him a life lesson let alone even speaking with him, could be better for him but hes the kind of person that wouldn't even take it serious knowing his actions and how he is for the past couple of days how would i help him? not worth it at all.

maybe he knows im joking and doesn't take it seriously? At least i hope he isn't dumb enough, or maybe he didn't understand my sarcasm.


Another encounter with Clara and Joseph? Very interesting tension between them this time?

side note how the hell do people write long story's such as 5k words, that would take me a week..
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 💐

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