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i stood there silently processing if i just saw what i saw, he stood there his hair damped because of the rain outside, it was midnight and very cold and he just stood his in his jeans blouse with a jacket that is all now wet.

"Come in" i know its stupid to let him in but i wont let him freeze outside and im also getting cold so its honestly just for my own safety, since he didn't speak up i got the words first like i always do.

Closing the door i turned around to see Descamps already staring at me ever since i opened the door, before either of us opened our mouths to speak my mom came in the view "who is it" she asked before looking at us with her apron still on from cooking a couple minutes ago.

"Nothing you can continue cooking mom" i stared at Descamps nodding my head to upstairs motioning him to come up with me so we can let my mom be and talk peacefully, my eyes shooting daggers at him i made my way up meanwhile my mom gave Descamps a smile and headed back to whatever she was doing.

I could hear his footsteps coming while i stood in my room pacing around till i stopped seeing him enter my eyes immediately making contact with his while he stood in-front of me "what are you doing here" i said looking at him mad.

he breathes before talking "to clear myself" he spoke still staring at me ever since he entered my house, he seemed relaxed and pretty confident like he always does, i didnt say anything not like i have to, i just waited for him to talk.

"Whatever i said i didn't mean it" staring at me the tension between us is very high.

"And i liked it fuck, i admit it okay it wasn't just a kiss" i stood there still processing his words he looked at me in such a way like he meant those words, half of me was confused and half of me was happy wanting to jump up and down but no i stood there staring at him.

"I came here okay because you wouldn't leave my mind, and I promised to change so i came here to man up and apologise" this is exactly what I wanted from him and i was so happy deep down inside. This is the side of him that makes me like him so much.

I smiled at him which made his face more relaxed, "I appreciate this a lot" i really did he smiled at me showing gorgeous smile, "then if i said what i said its my cue to leave" he said winking at me before turning around to leave but before he did i said something that made him stop moving.

"I liked it to" he turned around seeing me smiling at him a genuine smile that shows a lot, i stood there not expecting him to come up to me grabbing my by waist, one hand on my waist while the other one made its way to my face lifting my chin up so we could be face to face really close.

"so you don't mind if i do it again huh" i nodded my head as a no blushing really hard, before he dived in kissing me his hand making its way to the back of my neck to pull me in even deeper while i tilt my head a little bit giving him more access, we walked till we found my bed, not breaking the kiss i layed down on my bed with him on top of me our bodies very close holding to each other desperately we heard someone coughing that broke us up immediately looking behind Descamps i saw my mom.

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