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"ugh surely they could've given us 7 pages of homework but 20 is a lot" simone huffed out angrily for the past 20 minutes, since I entered school all she has done is visibly curse out the teachers for how many homework's we have gotten and i surely cant agree more with her, as if i even do my own homework.

sitting down trying to calm down a stressed simone i find myself glancing everywhere since i have been here to just see a glimpse of him.. a little bit is all i ask for but no i havent seen him, it makes me feel weird for wanting to see him but I can't help it.

"You have been slightly different these days anything you wanna tell" simone looked at me putting her books away in her bag to put all her attention on me finally not stressing and letting it go.

i looked back at her, im the same as normally tho what changed? Am I slightly different after the encounters i went trough? Seeing that i looked confused she grew suspicious so I immediately changed my face expressions to normal.

"How so" casually speaking trying to make sure she doesn't suspect something because im just not yet ready to tell her, turning to look at her she was making a bracelet out of flowers that was placed next to us since we sat at the benches near the bush with beautiful daisies.

"Glancing around as if you need or want to watch someone, do you perhaps have a love interest huh" she spoke glancing at her bracelet shes making and speaking at me all in once "no" i quickly blurred out glancing at the scenery in front of me not wanting to make eye contact with her because she could tell when i was lying or not and I probably looked nervous because i cant contain my expressions.

"It'll be out soon" it will or wouldn't i mean maybe it was just a one time thing and wont ever happen again, i don't know why im so worried half the time when we aren't even girlfriend boyfriend? So there is nothing tho hide right? Expect telling her we kissed or even made out that's something i for sure wont tell her just not yet.

"what are you guys up to" michele suddenly appears outta nowhere, her hands also filled with books her hair loose with a couple braids her bangs messy.

"Talking about Clara's love interest" for god sakes simone did you have to put it that way.

"Wait what" michele perked her head at me instantly putting all her books down causing a loud slamming noise which made me kinda jump my eyes wide staring at her, she sat down instantly looking at me for a reply her full attention on me with simone next to me also looking at me.

"There's seriously nothing, simone is just saying things" i said which is half true? I would never tell them about descamps are you crazy? Simone turned to me her face in shock nodding her head side by side as a way of telling that shes not saying things and knows somethings up.

before any of us could even speak or do anything the bell rang which caused me to quickly pack my things and leave beforehand "you can't leave us without answers clara" simone yelled behind me which even caused me to walk faster almost bumping into people, i looked behind me to not see them which was good.

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