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I went straight to the store after my encounter with Descamps, buying a couple stuff i needed, entering i saw my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetheart, how did your day go" she spoke glancing at me curiously.

"Good i just ran to the store for a couple things after school thats why i took so long" i said sitting down on the chair by the dining table.

"Oh, before i forget a boy came by" she said,  "what" i said, my head snapped at her in confusion waiting for her to continue.

"Yes, he said hes from your school, he's interested in coming over sometime, he said himself u would know why im considering about school, he does seem sweet" my mom spoke continuing to slice the cucumbers. Sweet? I let out a small laugh, but then putting on a serious face, the hell is she talking about that boy is far from sweet.

Second of all what does he mean come over  is he serious? how the hell does he know my address. I marched upstairs in my room angry and confused and mixed with every emotion all at once. Sitting on my bed i wish tomorrow never came.


Putting my bike away i turned around the corner walking to school but then i came forward with a face i did not want to see.

"Shocked you didn't bump into me this time" Descamps spoke staring at me amused as if i bump into him every second.

memories of yesterday came by my head immediately making me ignore his previous comment.

"what the hell do you think you're doing, huh" i spoke getting straight to the point glaring at him, waiting for an answer to why the hell he is so strange yet even creepy if you can put it that way.

"Relax, i just woke up first thing i don't need is someone yelling at me" he spoke not caring one bit about anything but himself as always.

"Someone? Judging by the way u know my address, you sure know a lot more huh" i said tilting my head staring at him making him stare at me back still not caring.

"Well, for starters were neighbours, i wouldn't go low to stalk someone like you" he said staring at me smirking.

"secondly you always manage to bump into me guessing because were going the same way to school" he said clearly uninterested in this conversation which didn't really bother me because i had to prove my point, i needed answers.

"Telling my mom you're coming over? Who do you think you are, i sure as hell don't want someone like you neither do i need you speaking to my mom lying as if i know you, speaking to you yesterday was sarcasm. Considering you make jokes you should've understood mine, but I understand why you didn't because ur jokes aren't jokes to began with" i said fully just spilling my thoughts out at him not caring, keeping eye contact, he could visibly see how disgusted i was speaking about him.

"Joke or not its still an option? Who knows huh maybe the good girl can make a good boy, looking at you from the distance you sure do know lots of things" he said looking at me up and down, walking away to catch up with his friends in the distance leaving me standing alone.

I stood there processing what he just said, good girl? Looking at me? What the hell does that mean, is that in a good way or a bad way? Why do i feel weird. I know to stand my place but with him i can just fall down, i sound crazy this isn't me? Overthinking once again.

Walking away i couldn't help but think neighbours? I know i just moved in but im definitely outside a lot but never once saw him and by bumping into him we were nearly at school. Whatever i shake my thoughts away about him and start to focus on finding my friends.

"Clara!" Simone yelled over to me, i walked over to her "why were you speaking to Descamps" she spoke in wonder and confusion.

"Hes just bothering me with his stupid jokes you know him" i lied, i don't have time to do a whole explanation nor am i in the mood, i know she will ask a dozen questions and I honestly don't even have the answers for anything because i don't even know what is going on between us.

"Oh, well lets get to class lessons should start soon" she spoke walking with me following after her.

Walking in class i sat down in my usual seat, this time i did wanna pay attention. I looked over at Miss Giraud beginning to teach her lesson asking questions to students. I hated her, hate is a strong word but for teachers i could care less.

A crumbled paper came up on my desk, i flinched and looked around confused, landing my eyes on Descamps he stared at me smirking and looking away pretending that he didn't do anything.

I wasn't stupid. I opened the paper trying my best to not let the teacher see it, i was curious opening it i read it carefully.

"How about 5 o'clock, are you free"  - the guy you bumped into.

I tried not to laugh at what he named himself and remained serious, i looked over at him already staring at me, i smiled before mouthing "no", his smirk flashed away but that for sure didn't stop him.

I looked away to lazy for all this, for once i wanna focus on a lesson and do my best and things have to come in my way.

I looked at the board obviously not knowing what to do but ill manage, i looked at what the other kids did and soon worked on my own. Another paper dropped, not bothering to get it i just put it in my pocket making it disappear before the teacher sees and i get in trouble which is what i for sure don't need right know.

Ending the lesson packing my stuff i headed to sit outside to clear my thoughts and just be alone. I told Simone who nodded and decided to head to Michele who we met in the class before our lesson started with miss Giraud turns out she was already in class earlier than all of us doing her notes and studying.

Sitting down i got a sketch book out my bag and just started sketching stuff taking my mind off things, halfway trough out my drawing process i remembered the note.

Putting my hand in my pocket i got the note out laying it on the table opening it.

"What if its good u teach me manners? I may be a jerk but people change." JD

I stared at it. Maybe he is serious? But why me he can ask anyone teachers his parents i don't know but why me? He does seem serious about it and actually wants it. But seeing him on the other side he can also joke about and make me look stupid. He can fool me into his trap? Ive been trough this before and i wont let it happen again.

hope u all enjoyed the chapter. Thank u for reading I appreciate it alot !
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 💐

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