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"I don't need to talk or look or even be in the same room as him okay, its over its done now can we just focus on our friendship and have fun instead of talking about that bitch" I muttered angrily.

Simone and michele looked at each other their mouths open making me close my eyes and sigh.

"Never heard you curse before" simone said making michele who stood next to her nod her head agreeing wide eyed.

"Im not doing anything, oh sure he was" i mocked him walking around the same circle the entire time.

"Clara i love you but stop moving im becoming dizzy" michele muttered laying down with her hands on her face.

"It will be okay right" simone looked at michele who stared back at her not believing her.

I glared at them both making them turn their facial expressions back to normal looking at me, i smiled at them "other than that we should have a sleepover at my house" making simone and michele squeal and nod frantically making me laugh.

"Let's go the next lesson is waiting" i said putting my stuff away and throwing my left overs in the trash.

I walked past descamps who looked at me, i stared straight ahead ignoring him smiling to michele next to me who was telling her story about her and alain.

"Okay so face masks, we can gossip, we can watch scary movies" i told them sitting down my bed.

We went to simone and michele house so they could gather their stuff.

Simone was putting on a face mask on michele while i sat down on the ground finding a movie to pick.

"Im going downstairs getting the snacks" michele muttered heading downstairs while i was busy figuring out what to watch simone was putting the acces masks in the trash not needing them.

the door busted open making me drop the remote staring at the door wide eyed, simone having the exact same reaction as me.

"So uh you might wanna go downstairs" michele nodded her head to the stairs touching simone's shoulders making her and simone sit on the bed staring at me.

In all confusion I didn't say anything and just headed downstairs.

I saw his back and immediately turned around again running upstairs.

I busted the door open just like michele did a few minutes ago.

"Hes here" i yelled but in a whispering way.

Michele shrugged "what just go talk"

I glared at her looking at simone for help who just looked at the other side staring at the wall as if it was so interesting.

"Now shoo, don't make him wait" michele muttered turning to the tv ignoring my glare.

I huffed turning around stomping downstairs before seeing him, eye contact.

I didn't say anything staring at the couch beside him waiting for him to speak.

"Im just here to clarify about today in the morning"

I didn't say anything and he took the hint continuing.

"It's not nothing, im just playing dumb which i shouldn't have done" he spoke staring at me making me stare back.

"With you it's never nothing" that made my heart flutter, hoping he doesn't see my blushed cheeks i still tried staying confident.

"At first i really didn't understand but after you left it all hit down, and i couldn't stop thinking about you" he spoke coming closer keeping his eye contact not leaving my eyes once.

I smiled at him making him smile back, a genuine perfect smile.

A smile that could make any girls weak and fall for him.

He came closer and closer to me, i could smell his mint shampoo, his amazing perfume.

"I really appreciate that" i whispered obviously dazed of how close he was.

He leaned closer tilting his head to the side leaning in.

"Oh wow"

I panicked immediately turning around staring at simone glaring at her.

"I just forgot the chips" she said shrugging her shoulders up.

I heard descamps chuckle making me look at him.

He stopped immediately smiling innocently.

"Thats my cue to leave" he spoke turning around.

I turned around glaring at simone who muttered out a "im sorry" making me roll my eyes.

I followed descamps to the door.

He turned to me smirking "maybe next time" turning around leaving me standing there flushed.

I turned back shutting the door smiling turning around to see simone making my smile disappear.

She turned around running while i ran after her.


I ran after her jumping on her back making us fall down grunting in pain.

"Im sorry im sorry" she said mid laughing.

"It was pretty intense" michele muttered making me stare at her.

She smiled turning back around heading into the room.

I went off simone laying on the ground huffing.

Simone stared at me smiling "he did say next time"


She giggled turning away.

"Start the movie not a word" i went into the bed with michele and simone next to me.

We decided horror, every sleepover is great with a horror movie.

I yawned feeling tired putting my head onto michele's shoulder.

The movie finished.

"You pick the remote up"

"No you do it"

"Its your house you do it"

The remote stood next to the tv, paranoid none of us wanted to get up to close the tv.

What if somebody is under the bed ready to catch my legs and drag me to eat me?

Me and michele turned our heads to simone making her stare back at us.

"Fine, such scary cats" she got up to get the remote.

She came back "head to the bathroom" me and michele got up slowly following her.

We did our business brushing our teeth etc.

Heading back to bed we all lay down nothing but our soft breaths where heard my eyes closed turning to hug whoever was next to me.

Which was both of them?

They hugged back and we all fell asleep entering whatever.

short short short, school got me so busy i forget to write sorry y'all.
thank you for reading tho ily mwah
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 💐

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