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"has anything been off to you to lately or is it just me" michele spoke taking a bite of her bread.

its a weekend and today is the day i would love to spend time with michele and maybe talk about this whole situation.

"I don't know, maybe its just you" clearly i was lying but we were having a good time and right know I don't wanna ruin that.

we walkes along the streets, the sun is bright but theres still some cold breezes along side making us huddle together while walking.

Michele turned to me and grabbed me by the arm, "now there's this some sort of restaurant open around here, we should totally check it out" she said hastily already walking there pulling me with her.

I let out a giggle while walking or should i say running with her, we entered finding a place to sit.

The place was very cozy and comfortable, very festive should i add.

I took the menu while michele did the same with hers, we checked out the menus while asking each other which one we should pick or which one is better, or if we should try the same thing on and off.

We ended choosing the complete opposite.

I went with tea while she went with coffee, we also ordered some pasta but different types.

Seeing the time it was around 4 pm i turned to look at michele finding this a perfect time to speak.


I got cut off by the waitress coming by to take our orders.

Me and michele said our orders to the waitress with him nodding and disappearing.

Michele turned to me "what did you want to say" she said putting a hand on her chin with all her focus on me.

One thing about michele is that shes a very good listener which i love about her. It also means i can probably tell my story and she would understand.

i breathed out before i turned to look at her not wanting to break eye contact so i don't seem that nervous.

"I've been kinda seeing somebody or not so i don't really know how to put it"

"Isn't that a good thing, no need to be a nervous rack I wouldn't judge you" but if i tell you who it is will you judge me like simone? Or perhaps even leave me after all he did to you.

i averted my eyes somewhere else before looking at her again.

"It's not serious, but it would be good for you to know i mean you are my friend"

this made michele smile and nod at me waiting for me to continue.

"Who is it" thats the big question, thats it.

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