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his lips came crashing down on me, my eyes widened before slowly closing them still in disbelief standing there, he tilted his head giving more access right when he did that i started kissing back his hands going on my waist pulling me closer, my hands went to his neck holding the back of his neck deepening the kiss, our lips fitting perfectly with each other fireworks going in my stomach my heart beating so hard it might just pop out of my chest at this point.

He slowly pulled away his hands still on my waist, staring at me making intense eye contact our heads still very close, "why'd you do that" i breathed out nervously still staring at him.

"To shut you up, you wont even hear my side" he said shaking his head looking down at me, god hes tall making me stare up at him. My heart beating very hard still butterflies in my stomach.

"answer me" just say why u ran away, why you are who you are. I havent even noticed that its becoming dark outside already this fast, my skirt in the wind making my legs freeze. Normally i would be home lazily in my bed rotting but now im here with someone who i never thought i would be with let alone kiss him.

he groans tilting his head back showing his Adams apple looking back at me. I looked back my face already speaking for itself still waiting for him to answer me because if not I'll turn and leave right know because its not worth standing in this cold.

"Listen, you're out here wanting to change and now you're out here running away and then kissing me? Seriously whats going on" i don't even know him that well when did things go this serious and why would he ever kiss me this is just causing me a headache, i looked around incase anybody i knew was here now that im paranoid.

"I kissed you to shut you up don't get ideas" he spoke staring at me, are u serious ideas? Is this some sort of joke to him is this what he does daily to people, my face immediately showed anger while i walked closer to him.

"This isn't some joke to go up and kiss people, i have no idea with you and never would have this is who you are there are no changes you're way ahead of urself, let me remind you one thing Descamps the world doesn't revolve around you i have feelings to" each word was said hurtfully and truthfully my eyes teared up but not that noticeable, im not the ones to play games and certainly not with him. I was stupid for even believing him and accepting his "change" its embarrassing.

I turned walking away as fast as possible wanting to go home fast get in my bed not wanting to be near him any second anymore and be on my own no crying no overthinking, i will sleep trough it all forgetting it forgetting him.

I could sense he was staring at me but whats even worse is that hes standing there doing nothing, i know i don't want him but atleast I expected an apology, i wanted him to come up to me and say this was all a misunderstanding and that he didn't mean it. But its Descamps and that would never happen.

Marching upstairs because of my anger i did not manage to hear my mother calling out my name while my footsteps made such loud noises because of my anger i wanted to destroy everything in my room but instead i jumped in my bed laying down trying to compose myself.

I stared at my ceiling for god knows how long not noticing my mom was next to me sitting down slowly turning all her attention on me. "Whats wrong" i don't know whats wrong thats the problem i don't know im trying to know im trying to fix the puzzle but things go so fast that you just don't know what to do anymore.

My heart is still beating the same way it was while i was with him very close staring at each other "kissing" not even 1 hour ago we kissed. It felt amazing in all honesty "Clara" i shook out of my thoughts staring at my mother when the hell did she get here?

"How do you know if your inlove" straight to the point, im not ashamed of telling things to my mother I've always been open to her about any situation that normally people cant talk about with their parents but me and my mother we had a special relationship which im always super grateful for and will never take for granted.

My mum smiled at me before speaking "you just cant keep you're mind off of them" I can't everyday every second hes in my mind for some reason "when they are around you or with you you feel weird and get butterflies in your stomach" that also happend when he was super close staring at me, when he kissed me even him staring at me is enough. "you'll start to develop strong compassion for them" compassion for them..

My mom was right with every word considering she was inlove and is with the love of her life right know she must know, she told me every word one by one with a smile on her face looking down forgetting shes even talking to me which honestly made me smile knowing how inlove she is with my father and just speaking about love makes her this way it must be real.

Ive never felt anything for love or believed in it considering the experiences i went trough loving someone, but its different once you're with them, once you're together nothing else matters only you and him.

"Are you in love Clara?" My mother stared at me her expressions showing that shes happy she's actually curious and interested i mean im old enough to fall in love but i never did even if i did it never continued or got anywhere but this.. this is different.

My emotions were blank... no anger no sadness just nothing, am i inlove? Is that even love what we have. Certainly not considering how it went, my mind not even blank anymore but just pure confusion.

"Lets have a mother daughter moment like the old times huh" my mom spoke getting up looking at me smiling "change ur clothes and come downstairs" i got up pulling the duvet off of me heading towards my closet picking something comfortable i changed while cleaning my room, im an absolute clean freak and can't stand messiness i made sure to enter my room again just incase if anybody walks what would their pov be like? Surely im not the only one.

I sat on the chair by the dining table slouching down staring at whatever my mon is making, she talking to me about the show she watched and how i should watch it meanwhile she already spoiled half of it but thats how she is and i love her for that, she always tells me everything and anything.

Before i could open my mouth and reply to her about the story she was telling me a the doorbell ringed, i stared at the door back to my mom in confusion standing up i fixed my appearance a little bit making sure my hoodie is pulled down and pulling my hair from my face i walked towards the door holding the handel ready to open it.

Opening it a brief of cold win came by but staring up at whoever rang the doorbell i wish i never opened the door, the urge to run into my room and hide, the urge to scream and shut the door, the urge to hit the person thats standing infront of me, I composed myself before breathing out.

"Descamps?" ...

i lowkey liked this chapter, if theres any grammer mistake ignore it or inform me i wrote this during school

thank you for reading MWAH LY
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 💐

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