Chapter 7: Till Death Do Us Part.

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(slight cw if you have emetophobia! its nothing too bad but just a little cw)


"No!" Louis shouted, looking at the ground towards Marlon.

You felt nauseous. Your head was pounding and you were shaking. Marlon's blood was all over you. Your face, hands, chest, neck... everywhere.

"No.. no.. not.. fuck." You began to hyperventilate, shaking your head and putting your palms on your temples.

"Oh, my god!" Omar yelled.

"Shit!" Violet screamed.

"We could get medicine. From the nurse's office!" Ruby suggested.

"He's dead! The kid blew his brains out!" Mitch interrupted. 

You sat down on the ground, looking at Marlon's wound. You knew you wouldn't be able to save him, but you still tried.
You took the rag off of your injured leg and tried cleaning the wound, revealing the scar you got from the train station. You couldn't tell if you were crying or if it was the storms rain falling onto your face.

"You shot him. He's dead." Louis looked at AJ. "You're a murderer."

There was blood all over your arms from trying to clean this wound. Blood was spilling everywhere, but you still tried to help Marlon, even if you knew he was dead.

"You promised Marlon! You said you'd help him fix things!" Louis yelled at Clementine. "What the fuck did you teach this kid?!"

You were a little shocked at Louis's genuine anger, you knew why he was angry and of course he has every right to be, but you've never seen him this mad or upset before.
Clementine was just looking around, shocked by the whole situation and not knowing what to do.
 Mitch looked at Clementine and clenched his fist. Violet noticed this and ran in front of AJ. meat cleaver in hand. "Back off! All of you!"

Your vision began turning foggy. Your ears were ringing and your brain felt like it was shaking. You put the rag over Marlon's face moved back from his body. You felt like you were going to vomit. You were hyperventilating and grabbing your hair in your hands, shaking your head.

"You talked Marlon down, and then they fucking murdered him!" Louis snapped.

"L-Louis.." You sat up, wobbling a little towards Louis. You were light headed, and your leg was still in a ton of pain. You still felt nauseous.

"Take AJ, go inside." Violet ordered Clementine.

"Come on, let's go." Clementine walked to AJ.

"Oh, just let them go back to the dorms?!" Louis fought. "What happens the next time one of us does something this kid doesn't like? Should we expect a bullet, too?"

"That's not what happened." Violet defended.

"It's exactly what happened!" Louis argued.

"Louis, please. He's a little kid.. he doesn't know. He's grown up in a world where all he knows is death and murder." You tried defending AJ. Louis looked at you, conflicted and distraught.

"You trust me?" AJ asked you. You looked at him and felt tears forming in your eyes. Your head began pounding again. You looked away and back at Marlon. You felt your stomach twist and you shook your head, and ran over to a corner, and you threw up.

"It was over, 'til little Mr. Trigger-Happy decided otherwise." Louis continued. He looked at you with sympathy while he said it, however. 

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