Chapter 17: Truth or Dare?

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The two of you smile at each other warmly, but the moment is quickly broken up by the sound of Aasim and Willy arguing

"Because you're boring and your idea is stupid!" Willy argues as him and Aasim angrily walk out of the admin building together.

"Oh, I'm being stupid? You're the one who can't think straight. If you could hear yourself--"

"Guys! What the fuck?!" Violet yells, standing up from the steps along the porch of the admin building.

You and Louis quickly walk over to the scene that's taking place.

Willy looks towards you and Louis. "Violet told us to work on the traps together, but Aasim won't listen to anything I say!"

"That doesn't mean you have to scream at each other." Louis nervously replies. He's never really liked situations like this being put on him.

"Stay out of this." Aasim scoffs, looking back at Violet and Clementine. "I have an idea for duffel bags filled with bricks. We drop them on the raiders, if they get to the admin building. Willy here wants to use a giant, idiotic swinging log to take out one raider at most. It's completely stupid!"

"You're stupid!"

"You're being childish-"

"The only thing childish is that you have beef with a kid!" You yell at Aasim. "Both the ideas are good, just because it's not your idea doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. We just have to vote on what we all collectively think would be the best choice."

Willy raises his hand. "Well, I vote-"

"You can't vote. Neither can you, Aasim. You guys came up with the ideas, we come up with the votes." You say before looking at Clementine and Violet. 

"Aasim is right. We should use the brick trap. It sounds more practical." Clementine answered after thinking for a moment.

"Mine's practical, too!" Willy exclaimed.

"No, it isn't." Aasim scolds. "It's exactly the thing a child would think up. Especially a child who has no idea what he's up against--"

Willy punches Aasim right in his stomach. Aasim doubles over in pain, holding his stomach.

"What the shit?!" Violet yells.

Willys face instantly goes from angry to guilty as he runs back into the admin building with fear. Everyone watches this, shocked.

"Dude, you okay?" Louis asks Aasim, worried.

"Yeah, fine. Shit!" Aasim winces as he walks over to the couches we had placed outside.

"Christ, we'll all kill each other before the raiders before the raiders even get a fuckin' chance." Violet groans, watching as Aasim walks away hunched over.

"Right, what we need is something to break the tension." Louis nudges your shoulder as he walks over to sit next to Aasim. You follow behind, confused, but intrigued. "Hey, buddy, how's it hanging?"

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