Chapter 15: Sick.

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Not so long after you collapsed, you woke back up. You felt your body shaking from the footsteps and warm arms around you, holding you tightly. Your vision was blurry and distorted, your ears were ringing, and your body felt limp. Your heart was racing. You didn't know what was happening, your mind filled with static. You felt your body being softly placed onto what you assumed was the couch, but as you slowly started gaining back your hearing, the first things you heard..

"Is she bit?!" 

"Are we gonna have to kill her..?"

You immediately shot up, gaining your full consciousness, and your eyes were widened with fear. Everyone stared at you with worried expressions.

"I... I'm not.. bit." You said, breathing hard, still feeling ill.

"We need to check you for bites." Ruby furrowed her eyebrows and looked at you with sympathy.

You could feel that you were obviously sweating and feverish, but you knew you weren't bit. Or, at least, you hoped. You didn't have any big situation where you would've been bit when you were going out to get the walker heads.

You obliged, nodding as you turned to Ruby's direction, giving her silent permission to check you. 

"Hey, Louis? I need you to leave." Ruby asked as she turned towards him, who you didn't even notice until now.

Louis dropped his arms to his side. "But--" 

"I'll tell you if she's okay or not. I need you out of the room right now." Ruby repeated, this time a bit more demanding. 
Louis put his hands up to his temples and shook his head before glancing at you, then back at Ruby, and nodded, leaving the room shortly after.

Ruby looked at you and shot you a encouraging half-smile. "Alright, let's check ya."

You weakly took off your zip-up coat so Ruby could get a better look.

"Your gunshot wound is lookin' better." Ruby picked up your arms and examined them closely. "I don't see nothin' on your arms. Still gotta check your legs."

She pulled up your pant legs, making you flinch and adding a sudden pain shooting through your body. She looked up at you, worried by your flinch, then looked back down at your leg.

She sighed with relief, but she was still appearing worried. "You're not bit. But.. That cut you got from the train station." She lifted up your leg to get a better view. "You didn't change the bandage after you took it off. You're definitely getting some type of infection. We gotta clean it, now." She got up and went to grab supplies.

You remembered the night Marlon died. You took off your bandages in an attempt to clean his wound, despite knowing he was... gone. You never did re-bandage yourself, you were too busy trying to fix everything, and help everyone.

"I didn't mean to scare anyone." You softly stated. "I used my bandage to try and help Marlon. I guess I just forgot about it."

"It's alright, Y/N, we just gotta clean you up." Ruby reassured you as she began cleaning and bandaging your wound.

You sat there, your leg pulsing with pain. You tried not to be too much of a pain for Ruby, since you already put her and everyone else through the stress of your possible demise.

After what felt like an eternity, "Alright, you're all cleaned up." Ruby smiled warmly at you. "Try to get some rest, I'll have Louis bring you some dinner in a bit. You should be good to start bein' more active in a day or two."

"Thank you, Ruby. Really." You softly smiled back at her. "Sorry for scaring you, and.. everyone."

"It's all good, believe me. I'm just glad you're okay. I'm sure everyone else is, too." Ruby reassured you, patting your shoulder. "I'll go get Louis, and I'll tell everyone you're okay, too."

You thanked her as she left. You felt like shit, physically and mentally. You should've remembered to take care of yourself, you were too focused on everyone else and how they were doing, and, more specifically, how Louis was doing.
At this point, you knew you had feelings for him. But you couldn't tell if he reciprocated those feelings. The two of you have been hanging out more often recently, and sometimes it feels awkward. As if theres some sort of tension in the air. But, you could just be getting in your head about it.
 Anyways, you were focused on him and how Marlon's death effected him. You've been in the same exact place he's in before, and you would've given anything for him to have not gone through that as well. 

As you were lost in your thoughts, you heard a soft knocking on the wall. 

"Hey.." Louis smiled sympathetically at you, holding a bowl of Omar's legendary rabbit stew in his hands.

You smiled warmly back, uncrossing your arms and placing them gently on the sofa beneath you. "Hi.."

"I brought you some food." Louis walked closer to you to hand you your food. "How're you doing?"

"I'm doing better." You answered as you took the stew from his hands. "My leg hurts like hell, though. I really wish I would've thought for a second about how wounds take time to heal and how I should be taking care of them."

"Well, you're alive." Louis sat down besides you. "You're not bitten, you're not dead, you're here. That's all that matters. Not then, not later, just now."

You smiled ear to ear, your eyes slightly watering. "Thank you." You whispered, looking down at your lap. "It really means a lot."

"Of course I care." Louis reassured you. "Sure, it scared me, but all that matters now is that you're okay. You've always been there for me and everyone when we needed it, so we'll be here for you, too."

"I'm.. glad you care." You wiped a tear from the corner of your eye before looking back up at him and smiling again. "I'm glad you understand how much I care, too. You.. and everyone.. you all mean so much to me. All I want to do is make sure everyone understands that."

"They do, Y/N. They really do." Louis comforted. "We all get in arguments together sometimes, and it might seem like we hate each other, but we don't. You never really argue with anyone. Well, unless it's needed, but you're always so kind." 

You softly giggled. "So are you."




Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter and late.. I was pretty busy all week and didn't have any time to write anything for this chapter until yesterday night, so I didn't get much done until today. I hope you all like this chapter though!! I'll be trying to spend some of my time (if I have any) this following week writing some chapters so I can be sure they get posted on time!! I have such big ideas for this series and I can't wait to post more <3


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