Chapter 8: Voting.

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It's safe to say that you didn't get any sleep last night. Hell, you don't think anyone did. You could hear rustling and moving from all around the dormitories all night. You laid down and got comfy, but you felt wide awake. Your face felt absent after Louis wiped the blood off of you, it felt odd. Obviously you didn't WANT Marlon's blood on you, but you still had some weird feeling of absency. 
You decided to just get up. Everyone was going to be up soon enough anyways, so might as well get the day started a little bit early. You put on your shoes and headed outside. 
Of course, the first thing you were greeted with was.. Marlon. 

"I'm glad I covered him up last night.. So no one had to see him like that again." You thought out loud. 

You walked over to the graveyard.

"I wish we still had access to the greenhouse.. we still don't have a shovel." You complained. "Guess we have to use bowls."

You walked over and grabbed a couple bowls. This is what you guys did when Minerva and Sophie were.. taken. You began slowly digging a grave for Marlon. 
People eventually started coming outside shortly after and noticed you already digging and went over to help. Louis wasn't up yet, which you could tell everybody noticed, but everyone decided not to talk about it. Not right now, at least. 

A while after, with the help of everyone you guys had dug out two graved for Marlon and Brody. Nobody knew what exactly happened to Brody, we just knew she was in the basement.

"I'll.. go get Brody." You volunteered, standing up from the ground and dusting off your hands. You made sure to grab a rag to cover up Brody's face on your way, you didn't want anyone to see her like that. Well you didn't know exactly what she'd look like, but either way, you didn't want them to see the face of their dead friend.

You made your way down to the basement. You instantly felt uneasy from the cool air falling onto your skin and the dark atmosphere. Your eyes finally adjusted to the lighting, and you saw Brody.

"Oh, my god.. Brody.." You hurried down the stairs and down to her body. 
Her face was bashed in. You shook your head and looked away from her for a moment. 

"I'm so sorry." You apologized to her, even though it wasn't your fault, you couldn't help but feel bad that you couldn't have done something sooner to prevent it. Marlon was right, you weren't really around much. Which meant you wasted a potential closer friendship with Brody.

You placed the rag over Brody's face and tied it around so it wouldn't fall off. You picked her up and threw her over your shoulder. You walked back outside and back over to the graveyard.

You delicately placed her into her grave, Marlon had already been placed in his, and everyone began piling the dirt back. 

The graves were finished. Tenn made crosses for Marlon and Brody and set them in place.

"Is Louis still not up?" You asked everyone.

"Nope.. I'm pretty sure he's still in his room." Aasim answered sorrowfully.

"I'm going to go check up on him." You announced, walking back to the dorms.

You arrived at his room and knocked on the door. No response, but you heard shuffling in the room.

You knocked again. "Louis? It's me, Y/N. Can I come in?"

He opened the door. He looked at you, eyes slightly puffy probably due to crying. You smiled a sympathetic half-smile to him before going up to him for a hug.
The two of you just sat in silence for a second, hugging each other.

"We already buried Marlon and Brody.. We're gonna have the funeral soon." You told him.

"Alright." He sighed, going to go grab his coat and shoes. You waited outside his room for him to be ready.

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