Chapter 21 - Lucius' glowing event

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A short recap of the present timeline: 2037...

Lucius' powers are out of control. He is glowing brightly and has something growing out of his back. Everything he sees is moving slowly.

Is everything moving very slowly, or is he thinking and moving at a fast rate?
This guy...

A short moment before getting out of control, an abnormal-sized flash of light passes by.
For Lucius, it is a normal human movement. He sees a human being in the light; that's what he thinks. The object's attributes resemble those of a human being.

*But it shouldn't be possible, right? There shouldn't be more! And this one is kinda special,* he thinks.

The stranger looks to the side and discovers Lucius.

It moves towards his direction. Lucius is in a state he cannot free himself from. All that is left to do is freak out and throw out cusses in his mind. He observes.

The strange creature stands in front of Lucius and touches his face.

*Amazing! A child, huh!*, it says with a fast and shaky voice, Lucius only gets the shaky part; to him, the speed of speech sounds normal.

*So there are more like me! He was right! And I almost thought I would be one of the first to ever exist.*

The creature isn't standing still; it is moving its legs like one would to count his steps.

Lucius' wings spread faster and pushed the stranger to the ground. Lucius' friends, however, are still stuck in the air after being tossed away. The stranger gets right back up and walks back to Lucius. It says, *All right, I think I know how to help you. You cannot move, now can you? Ok, you can't even talk. Nice! I do have one condition. Don't ever think about looking for me! I will take your silence as a yes. It was nice meeting you.

He walks, runs behind Lucius, and pulls hard on the wings. He pushes them back in with brutal force. That should hurt a lot! He walks back to the front and looks him in the eye. Lucius' eyes close slowly while his pupils dilate.

*Oh man, this dude's eyes are f*cking bright; what the hell?*

The creature holds Lucius' head with his right arm and flexes his lower-arm muscles. Lucius' fingers twitch.

*Good, you should be able to move in a few.*

He rushes to the other kids, grabs them, and puts them gently on the floor. He runs away immediately.

*I can move again.
Hey guys, you good?
Not that I care or anything.
Yo Blu, tell me you saw something! It was this J...*

For a second, Blu gives off a frightened look. But calms down quickly.

*What happened? One moment, you start glowing like something; the next, we are all laying on the ground except you.
Hey, what is wrong?*

Lucius is weak.

*Hey, are you feeling dizzy or something? Should I call a teacher?*

Lucius pushes him away. He tells him to back off because he does not need help from anyone anymore. He loses consciousness and falls to the ground.
After an hour, he wakes up and finds himself inside the school's emergency room.

*What the hell happened to me? Damn it, Blu! I told you...*

**You told me what, Lucy? You passed out before finishing your speech, so I took the chance and brought you here by myself; no one was involved. The teacher doesn't know where we are right now.
Can you imagine how long you have been absent? At least you know that you passed out.
Bro, you scared me there a little... just a little bit!** He pinches his thumb on the index finger.

**You have been gone for about an hour. How were you that exhausted? It doesn't make sense! Explain, please!
Does it have something to do with us lying on the ground from one second to the next? **

Lucius rolls his eyes to the left side, away from Blu, and tilts his head. He answers, *Yes, it does!* and sighs loudly.

*It was something weird and stupid, whatever it is to be called. I hate that woman! Also, you don't need to know, but if you really wa...*

Blu interrupts him with a loud and furious *YESSS!*, making Lucious sigh again before continuing.

He tells Blu, *I might be some kind of angel thingy. Somehow, my back started hurting, like there was something popping out of it.
Everything around me was moving slowly, and I mean REAL slow. The ball was falling without ever getting to the ground, and your hands were on their way to hit your face, weirdo!
My body lit up a little bit, and some kind of—nevermind! Just there was another thing there; it didn't talk, I couldn't talk to it, I couldn't see what it was, but I think I know what it was—everything weird!
It came towards me, and then it disappeared. Whatever it was, it put you all to the ground before leaving. It was it!*

Blu is confused, and he asks, *Put us on the ground, huh? Why?"

Lucius punches the bed he is sleeping on and stands up.
While slowly walking away, he tells Blu, *You don't have to know! Whatever, you'll just keep asking till I tell you so... A really big wing thingy popped out of my back. I couldn't move, but they were so big I could see them from the front.
They came out strong and pushed all of you weaklings away.
Let's just say it saved you, because if it hadn't done that, you would have all crashed and been crushed. Now you know everything, happy?
Blu starts laughing hesterically and replies, *Yes! But... You said you thought you knew what it was?*

**Yes, that criminal, that crazy woman; you know her by the name "_." Though, I'm not very sure myself.**

*Hmm. Why would a criminal help you and us?*

They walk together to class as Lucius keeps talking about his powers and that they are meant for him to rule the world. He claims to be the chosen one. Blu, however, denies his statements and keeps laughing at Lucius' weird theories.

Someone as powerful as Lucius got himself into a situation from which not even he was able to free himself.

This person is very interesting; well done! Maybe I do have to keep an eye on him, no?

I see you!

Chapter 21, end.


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