Chapter 42 - Goodbye, world! [Final chapter to arc 1]

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After Jin leaves the room...

Sam turns to Blu and says, *Happy birthday, my favorite cousin!*

He hasn't forgotten about his cousin; Jane has told him what day it is. He gives Blu a breathtaking hug, literally! Jane asks if it is a joke about Blu's birthday.

*No, it really is! Today, he is fourteen years old.*

**He never told me about his birthday. Ok, I never asked him. So your birthday is the twenty-seventh of September? Happy birthday, Blu! You are an amazing dude; keep it up!**

They walk downtown to the shopping street to get Blu a gift. Sam places his arm around his neck and asks why he isn't with his family.
*But you are my family! I would rather hang out with you guys. I'm happy, plus, I think you will get me the most awesome gift ever! AWESOME AWESOMe AWESOme AWESome AWEsome AWesome Awesome awesome some some ssss.* He echoes into both Sam's and Jane's ears.

**You don't need to do that! Alright, I guess now we are supposed to get you something awesome, isn't it?**

Blu finds himself the most beautiful earphones and a jacket. He leaves Sam and Jane to pay.

*Thank you, guys! Now I'm good to go till my fifteenth!

**I've got something to tell you guys!** Sam is serious. The friends wonder what he needs to talk about to make such a serious face.

Jane looks him twice in the face and guesses what he wants.

*You mean the gadget to travel around, don't you? It's all done, so I'm ready if you guys are...*

*No, just me!*

Jane isn't happy about Sam's decision. She argues with him about not wanting to stay behind after all the work she has put in. Blu insists on joining them, but Sam declines his request.

**Ok, Jane comes with me, and Blu stays behind! We have to take a semester break and do what we have to do. I know we are in our final semesters, but there is no other way, and it isn't a good idea to wait for too long. Blu, I can't take you with me!**

*What do you mean? I can just go with you guys and repeat the classes I will miss. I am pretty smart, and you know that! So just ta...*

**NO!! You have to stay! Focus on school and your abilities. I promise that next time you will come with us, k?
I don't know what awaits us, and we aren't sure if the device will work as planned. Until then, we have to do this alone. Just trust me on this one!**

Blu trusts his cousin more than any other person he knows. He agrees to stay behind and let his favorite people do what they have to do.

*Promise me that next time you will not leave me behind! I need to hear you say it...*

**Alright, Blu, I promise to you that next time, you will be on the top list of our traveling adventure, as long as you hold your part of the deal, which is: You will give your best at school and train to become powerful. You will join forces with Lucius and John and be so powerful that not even I will recognize you guys, deal?!**

*Deal!! I will give my all to surpass you; you just wait!!*

Sam and Jane smile after accepting his dedication.

On their way back to Sam's apartment, Jane finds the courage to tell him about a secret she has been keeping for a while.

*My parents are about to kick me out of the house, Sam!*
He is confused. Why should a parent do something this cold-hearted? He asks her where she is supposed to live and offers to let her live with him in his apartment.

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