Ep-4 'Big Trouble.'

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Jin ling looks at wei.

"I said you get lost!" Shouted Jin ling.

"I can see you lack in some maternal education." Said wei walking away from Jin ling.

Jin ling pointed his finger at wei wuxian.

"You! What did you say!" Shouted Jin ying.

Jin ling took out his sword and attacked wei, wei slides to the otherside of Jin ling. He slightly pushs Jin ling down to his knees. Two Jin disciples were coming towards him, he used his spell and pushes them away. Jin ling was trying to get up but felt as his legs were not responding for some reason. Wei picked up Jin ling's sword and throws it, cutting his net. Those who were trapped, it broke making them fall down. The sword came back and laided near Jin ling making him flinch.

"You! Your spiritual power was too scarce to cultivate. Now adopt such crooked ways you watch out today! Do you know who is coming today?!" Shouted Jin ling.

"I don't care. Who is coming?" Asked wei.

"My uncle is here with me!" Shouted Jin ling.

"Is that so? That's good I want to talk with your uncle. Your behaviour with adults is so bad. You need to be responsible and care full while hunting on dafan mountain kid. Do you know how dangerous it is to keep cultivators on nets like that. Going off mind is never good do you understand kid." Said wei.

"You!" Shouted Jin ying.

"Where is your uncle?" Asked wei.

"I'm his uncle, any last words?" Said a men.

Wei wuxian looked at the men behind him. The men was wearing dark purple clothing, he was walking along with few disciples. Wei was shocked seeing the men.

 Wei was shocked seeing the men

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"Jiang Cheng?..if he's the kid's uncle then..this is shijie's son..?" Thought wei.

Wei wuxian looked at Jin ling and walked away from him.

"Stop." Said Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng looked at wei then at Jin ling.

"Jin ling, what took you so long?" Asked Jiang Cheng.

Jin ling felt the grip on his back had gone away, he was able to stand up again. Wei stopped and looked at Jiang Cheng. Jin ling grabs his sword, he was about to hit wei wuxian but before wei could do something, blue energy hit Jin ling's sword. Wei was shocked but then looked were the energy came from

Lan wangji came out there along with lan disciples.

"These two won't let me live in peace." Thought wei wuxian.

Jiang Cheng looked at lan wangji.

"Second childe lan." Said Jiang Cheng.

Lan disciples bowed, Jin ling bowed at hanguang-jun.

"You really won't fail the reputation of 'appearing in chaos'. So today you got spare time to visit the rural forest? Are you coming to take credits from us or to look for someone? I heard you have been to a lot of place in the past 16 years." Said Jiang Cheng.

"Clan leader Jiang, what do you mean by that?" Asked lan jingyi.

"What I mean? Second childe lan you know what I mean. Because of you I have lost someone who is very dear to me and my sister." Said Jiang Cheng.

Lan wangji grips his sword. Wei looks at Jiang Cheng, 'who? Someone dear to him?' thought wei.

"Childe Jin, the night hunt is supposed to be a fair competition but you set so many nets in the dafan mountain, which makes others hardly able to proceed in fear of those nets. Aren't you breaking the rules of night hunt?" Asked lan sizhui.

"They are caught because they are stupid. What can I do about that? If nothing else, let's debate after I catch the prey." Said Jin ling.

Wei wuxian slowly walks away from the two childe's.

"They are still the same, fighting with eachother on everything." Thought wei.

The lans and Jiang's left later on, wei walks out of the forest, he finds a small lake. He walks towards the lake, she sits down and takes the mask off, he looks in the water, he was surprised to see familer faces in water.

"Wei wuxian, don't stir up trouble again." Said Jiang Cheng.

"A-xian, have some soup. It's your favourite louts root and ribs soup." Said Jiang yanli.

"A-xian, you need protect yourself, always stand with justice alright." Said baoshan.

"A-xian, you are the pride of immortal cultivators. Do what's right with no regret." Said xiao.

"A-xian, you, i, xiao and grandmaster will always stay together." Said song lan.

Wei smiles at the sweet moments he remembers.

"I really miss you all." Said wei.

Wei heard voices coming from his back, wei looked behind him there were few cultivators walking by.

"This young children Jin, he is spoiled both by the clan of Jin and Jiang. What a young bossy childe. I can't imagine what it will be when he heritages the Jin clan of lanling. Nobody would stand it then." Said a men.

"It's reasonable. Seens childhood the kid went by a lot of things, his mother had a trama due to losing one of her brothers and his father is always busy with clan work. No wonder his uncle is always with him." Said the lady.

"Still he should not act like this." Said the men.
Thankyou for reading ep-5 will be out soon!

896 words!

I hope you all have a wonderful day.
And please comment something guys, i really love reading your comments.

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