Ep-2 'Who are you?'

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The men was sitting there. He could hear voices.

"Mo xuanyu." The voice kept on saying.

"Who?" Asked the men. "Who is calling?" He again asked.

The men saw someone coming towards him. Blood on his feet. Teared clothes. Marks on both legs. Shaking body.

"Who are you? Who..who is mo xuanyu?" Asked the men.

"It's you. I saved you with all my heart. From now on you are the mo xuanyu." Said the voice.

"You saved me..? Why..? Why did you gave me your body..? What will you get from this mortal..?" Asked the men.

"I have no choice.. I didn't want to use the spell to offer my body..but..they are so excessive.. please kill them all for me..! Kill them..wei wuxian..take revenge from me." Shouted the voice.

Wind stopped blowing, a mask fell down

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Wind stopped blowing, a mask fell down. Wei wuxian was not able to open his eyes fully, he felt a sharp pain in his eyes as the sunlight came from the window. He slowly grabbed the mask which had fell down, he looks at the mask.

"Why did he gave me his body? Who does he want me to kill?" Thought wei wuxian.

He could hear footsteps coming from outside, the door opened and few men's came in. One came towards wei wuxian and kicked on his chest making wei wuxian fall back down. The men was shouting at wei wuxian. It was mo ziyuan, childe of mo clan.

"How dare he kick me..?" Thought wei wuxian.

"How dare you mo xuanyu! If I take some of your things what's so wrong about that huh?! You stay here! With my money! Eating my food!" Shouted mo ziyuan.

"Stupid mortals.." thought wei wuxian.

Mo ziyuan had his feet on top of wei wuxian's chest, wei looks at mo, his eyes were glowing red, he grabbed Mo's leg and pushed him backwards making him hit the wall. The other were helping mo get up.

"Mo xuanyu your gonna pay for this!" Shouted mo ziyuan.

He and the other men who came inside ranned away from there. Wei gets up and walks outside, he washes his face.

"Mo xuanyu..i have already died..why did you choose to save me..? At the cost of yourself..such great hatred you have." Thought wei.

He looks at his arms, their were four cuts.

"Each cut means a life..ah..I need to kill those who are the cause of his actions..after that I need to go at yiling..xue chonghai..i hope that barrier doesn't break." Said wei.

A men looked at wei, he ranned towards him.

"You! You! You!" He shouted.

"Me what?" Wei asked.

{𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅}Where stories live. Discover now