Ep-11 "I want to know more about this kid."

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Wen chao looked at his right side, yang yang was standing their giving a looking gaire to him. Just by seeing his look towards him, wen chao was angred.

Everyone knew what would happen next, a fight for sure. Wen chao gripped on yang yang's coller, yang yang shifted his sword towards wen chao next.

"You little piece of shit, your really think just because of being a disciple of baoshan sanren, you are all that mighty? Huh..you low lifes will never learn! No matter what happens, who you are, remember who is your leader in the cultivation world, it's the wen clan..you got that dog.." said wen chao with a mokking laugh and smirk.

Yang yang pushes wen chao asided, brushing off the clothes and coller where were wen chao had touched.
He smiled.

"God, your mouth really doesn't get tried from talking his much shit. Can you just shut up. I don't have much time to waste and your here wasting all our time, mind just leaving, your royal dumb head?" Said yang yang.

"You-" shouted wen chao.

Wen chao was about to take out his sword, yang yang was about to do the same, suddenly their swords went up in the celling. Everyone was looking up, lan qiren looked at lan xichen who was about to play his flute to stop the fight between the two but before he could someone else stopped them.

"Xichen, did you do this?" Asked lan qiren.

Lan xichen looks at lan qiren.

"No uncle, i didn't." Said lan xichen.

Lan wangji was looking at the swords up in the celling, he looks down at all the students. He wanted to know who was doing his suddenly his eyes landed on a young men, beautiful like a young lady but a angered faced looking at yang yang.

Yang yang knew who did his, he looks behind and sees wei ying looking at him in anger. Meng yao was looking at wei ying's anger, he knows whenever he gets anger he either does sword practice to clan down his anger or just take it out on meng yao or yang yang.

Yang yang swolled his saliva and nodded. He understood wei ying wants no trouble from any clans here. Lan wangji was looking at wei ying hand which was glowing, he was shocked.

"What type of spell is this? Normal spiritual energy is controlled by gusu musical instruments. No one's this other brother, then how does this boy, what was his name, yes wei Wuxian?" Lan wangji thought.

Lan xichen noticed that lan wangji was shocked looking at a certain direction. He looks at lan wangji was looking at , he sees wei ying's hand which was glowing. Lan xichen looks at lan qiren who was also looking at wei ying but seemed clamed about it.

"Uncle, this is..?" Asked lan xichen.

"Mm, seems like baoshan sanren had choose this young master wei as her heir." Said lan qiren.

Lan qiren nods at lan xichen, lan xichen nods and walks down towards yang yang and wen chao.

"Master yang and master wen, it's better to end this here. The ceremony is over, please you all may head back to the guest quarters for rest." Said lan xichen.

Soon the swords came back down, wen chao and yang yang bowed grabbed their swords. Yang yang bowed and looked at wei ying. Wen chao angerly left the hall.

Lan xichen, lan qiren, lan wangji and yang were looking at wei ying, who's hand had stopped glowing now. He leaves after bowing to both lan xichen and lan qiren. Yang yang follow him from behind wanting to talk with him.

Jiang yanli looks at her side where Jin zixuan was looking at her as well, he bowed to her and left. She bowed back and looked at her brother who was looking outside.

"A-cheng, is something wrong?" Asked Jiang yanli.

"Jie, don't you think wei wuxian is quite different from all of us?" Asked Jiang Cheng.

"Why would you think that?" Asked Jiang yanli confused.

"Nothing, let's head back." Said Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng walked outside, Jiang yanli followed him. Soon everyone had left other then the three lans.

Lan wangji was looking at lan xichen and lan qiren who seemed clamed about the situation which just happened.

"Brother, you seem clam about this, did you also see that?" Said lan wangji.

Lan xichen and lan qiren looked at wangji.

"I did wangji, don't worry. This is normal." Said lan xichen.

Lan xichen knew about baoshan sanren, he heard her storys so he knows that she won't hand over anything powerfull enough to someone who can't handle it.

"Normal?" Asked lan wangji.

"Yes it's normal, soon you will understand. When time comes we'll tell you." Said lan qiren.

Wangji wanted to know but he can't disobey his uncle so he agreed.

Wangji left, leaving lan xichen and lan qiren.

"I want to know more about his kid, wei wuxian." Said lan qiren holding his beard.

Thankyou for reading
837 words
See you all soon!
I'll be back soon with more episodes!

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