Ep-16 'Danger is near'

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Wei ying was holding onto his chest, he looked at his hand where he was holding the book of immortality. The book was showing writting on the blank paper.

"Xue chonghai is free.." said wei ying, he was triggered hearing this.

"If he's free then firstly he'll come here to take back the book..I need to protect the book on any cost.." thought wei ying.
In the celestial mountain.

Boashan sanren was coughing out blood, her body started looking pale.
Song lan and xiao xingchen came running inside her room.

"Grandmaster!" Shouted the two together.

"Grandmaster, what happened to you?!" Asked song lan.

Baoshan looks at song lan.

"Xue chonghai is free..the barrier is broken.." said baoshan sanren.

Song lan and xiao xingchen got into a shock.

"This is bad..a-xian..he's still in gusu..what if xue chonghai-" said xiao xingchen.

"We won't let anything happen to a-ying. Song lan, you go and bring back everyone from gusu. Tell clan leader lan about xue chonghai's return. They all need to be ready." Said baoshan sanren.

"Yes grandmaster!" Said song lan.

"I'll stay here with grandmaster, you go and bring back everyone..be careful.." said xiao xingchen.

"I will be." Said song lan.

Song lan left the mountain and flew on his sword.
In the wen kingdom.

Xue chonghai was sitting on the thrown, looking at a mirror. The mirror was showing where the book was at.

"So.. baoshan..you gave my book to someone else..?" Thought xue chonghai.

Even tho many times xue chonghai tired to see who was with the book, he was not able to look at the owners face. All he could see was the surrounding in gusu lan.

Xue chonghai slams his hand on the side, xue yang was standing near him.
Xue yang was looking at the dead body of wen ruohan infront of him.

When xue chonghai came back to life, he needs a powerful source of energy that can heal all his curse marks. So he took wen ruohan spiritual powers. No one knows that wen ruohan is dead other then xue chonghai and xue yang.

Flashback ends:-
"Xue yang.." said xue chonghai.

Xue yang came forward and bowed.

"Yes your highness?" Asked xue yang.

"Burn down gusu..and bring back the owner of the book of immortality." Said xue chonghai.

Xue yang smiles and nods. Xue chonghai laughs.
In gusu, a disciple had came informing that near the village pond their are many water ghosts which are troubling the village people.

Lan xichen and lan wangji were about to leave to see what's going on their.
But noticed that wei ying, yang yang, wen Qing and wen ning also wanted to come with them.

Lan xichen agreed to bring the four with them, wei ying knew that yang yang likes wen Qing and she also likes him.

Wei ying and wen ning grew closer, wen ning seeing wei ying like an older brother.

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