Ep-18'the flashback ends'

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Wei ying puts the book away and sighs.

"I need to get to xue chonghai and then seal him up with me, only then the remaining yin iron would be destroyed." Said wei ying.

Soon wei ying Heard a knock, baoshan sanren walked in and wei ying looked at her and smiles.

"Grandma.." said wei ying.

"A-ying.." said baoshan sanren.

Both hugged, baoshan sanren was making sure that wei ying core was doing good or not. Wei ying told her that he is doing fine.

"I'm fine don't worry.." said wei ying.

"Mm..I'm worried about tho..xue chonghai will do anything to get his hands on the book, a-ying you need to careful." Said baoshan sanren.

"I will.." said wei ying and smiled.

"Oh and someone is actually here to met you." Said baoshan sanren.

"Met me? Who?" Asked wei ying.

Soon a knock was heard from the door.

"Come in." Said baoshan sanren.

The door opened, it was lan wangji. Lan zhan was looking wei ying.
Wei ying was surprised seeing lan zhan here.

"Lan zhan..?" Asked wei ying.

"Wei ying." Said lan zhan.

"I'll leave you too alone.." said baoshan sanren and left the two love birds.

Wei ying and lan zhan talked for hours, lan zhan didn't want to leave wei ying's side but wei ying was worried because xue chonghai was still on lose and anything can happen.

"You shouldn't have come here, what if xue chonghai noticed your spiritual energy and attack you?.." asked wei ying.

"Was worried about wei ying.." said lan zhan.

"I'm fine.. don't worry..you..you go now..this place is dangerous..xue chonghai is still on lose and anything can happen.. before he gets any ideas you have get back to gusu safely.." said wei ying.

"Wei ying." Said lan zhan.

"Lan zhan please I know your worried about but still please just go I'll be fine.." said wei ying

"Wei ying!" Said lan zhan.

Wei ying clamed down and looked at lan zhan..

"Everything is going to alright..calm down.." said lan zhan.

"I can't lose.." said wei ying.

"Wei ying.." said lan zhan.

"I can lose you too.." said wei ying started crying.

"Wei ying.." said lan zhan hugged him.

"I don't even know that if I will be alive after all of this..but when I think of you..I feel like what will I do if I lose you.." said wei ying.

"Will protect wei ying no matter what.." said lan zhan.

They hugged for awhile, wei ying broke the hug and kissed lan zhan. The kiss lasted for few minutes, lan zhan started kissing wei ying's neck and sucking it. Wei ying and lan zhan were no longer in the right mind to think about anything.

(I want to make something clear that has been many time ships in the last chapter, right now wei ying and zhan are 21+)

Wei ying looked at lan zhan.

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