Ep-5 "Dancing stone"

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Wei was worried after hearing all of this. Wei got up and started walking back at the path. The lan disciples were walking few distance away. They reached at wen clan grave yard. They met a old men there. Who was cleaning the place.

"Sir, how long have you been here?" Asked lan sizhui.

"Ah.. I can't recall. At the beginning master wen asked me to watch over the graves, I dare not leave. Later, more people were dead. The graves here then became more and more, which easily attracts evil stuff.." said the old men.

Both lan sizhui and lan jingji were looking at eachother.

"Is there anything strange in the dafan mountains?" Asked lan sizhui.

"You can see yourselves at the tiannv temple at the top of the mountain. There stands a dancing fairy statues, it's a stone looks like a person. How weird, at that time master wen said something..i forgot.."said the old men.

"Thankyou sir." Said lan sizhui.

The old men was still trying to remember, the lan disciples left. Later the old men remembered.

"The stone can move!" Shouted the old men but it was too late.

While travelling wei found soul-gathering grass so knew that there were cultivators graves around. Wei walks towards the wen grave yard. Leafs were falling down. Wind slowly blowing. He saw a old men cleaning the grave yard.

"Excuse me, who's family grabs yard is this?" Asked wei looking around.

The old men stopped and looked at wei.

"This is the wen's grave yard." Said the old men.

Wei remember's a lady's voice. Wind starts blowing again, he looks behind him. Him and a lady wearing red and black clothing were standing together.

"Wei wuxian, this is my family's grave yard." Said the lady.

Wei was looking at himself and the lady talking, now he understood that the kids were in deep danger. The lans and jins were walking togther. They were looking at the dancing stone, the stone started moving.

The dancing stone smiling at them, it moved it's hand toward them. A talisman flew above them hitting the dancing stone. It was locking the stone for a few minutes.

They looked behind them, wei wuxian was standing there at the exit.

"Senior mo!" Shouted lan sizhui.

"Get out of here! It's a soul eating statue!" Shouted wei.

The lan's and jin's were raning outside, wei runs after they all were outside. They had reached quite far from the stone. All were taking heavy breath.

The wei looked at the two lans.

"Alright..kids, can you set off a smoke shell of your and ask your hanguang-jun for help." Said wei, even tho he didn't wanted to call him but he knew he needed his help at this point.

The two lans looks at their pockets then look at eachother.

"Gosh. The shells were used up at Mo's manor at night. All of them." Said lan sizhui.

"You didn't supplement some?" Asked wei.

"I forgot." Said lan sizhui.

"You forgot? You are going to be punished if your childe knows." Said wei.

"We're doomed. This time hanguang-jun will severely punish us." Said wei.

"Punish. You are supposed to take a lesson or you won't remember next time." Said wei.

"Senior mo, how did you know it's the fairy statues that eats souls?" Asked lan sizhui.

"I saw." Said wei.

"What did you saw?" Asked lan jingji.

"Old graves..so I infer it's not something soul-eaters do." Said wei.

"Why?" Asked lan sizhui.

Wei looked at sizhui

"Lan clan of gusu learns too much about cultivators etiquette, Cultivation and family history. All meaningless and painfull to recite. They should teach you something useful. Soul-eating monster and soul-eating spectre live in undissipated spiritual energy of the dead. Question. There are so many cuivators graves and their spiritual energy left behind. Why do they aim at living people?" Said wei.

"It seems reasonable..hey...wait you are not carry after all.." jingji looks at wei and wei looks away from him.

"What about the lady?" Asked sizhui.

"Question 2, her fiance was gone, what can she do as a weak women?" Asked wei.

"Prey for god's." Said sizhui.

"Sure and there's something special about Yan. Among all the victims, only her soul was back." Said wei.

"Eh.." came out of lan sizhui's mouth.

"Yuan's father loves his daughter so much. When he knew Yan's soul was lost and medicine were useless. What would he do?" Asked wei.

"I know, he also went to pray so he also went to the temple in order to find Yan's soul back." Said lan jingji.

"Correct. The fairy statue returned Yan's soul but her had already been affected. That's why the fairy woke up." Said wei.

"So the fairy stone wakes up when someone makes a wish?" Asked sizhui.

"So the fairy stone wakes up when someone makes a wish?" Asked sizhui

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Wei then looks around for someone, Jin ling was not there. The fairy statue was now after Jin ling. Wei takes out his flute and plays it, the fairy statue was about hit Jin ling. The ghost general came out, wei was shocked, is this an illusion..?

"Why is he here.." thought wei.

Wei uses his flute, ghost general fights with the fairy stone. After the ghost general won against the fairy stone will send him back. Wei was about to leave but someone grabbed his hand tight. It was lan wangji, wei was shocked looking at him, wei drops his flute down, the Jiang were coming there, wei still had his mask on.

Wangji was looking at wei, wei was trying his best to avoid his gare from wangji. Jin ling walked towards his uncle.

"Clan leader Jiang, we saw wen ning." Said the Jiang disciple.

"What did you say?" Said Jiang Cheng.

"Wen ning is back?" Said the Jiang disciple.

"Wen ning?" Asked Jiang Cheng, he was shocked hearing at the ghost general who was killed years ago was still alive.

"He called him out." Shouted Jiang disciple.

Jiang Cheng looked at wei, wei looks away.

"You again?" Asked Jiang Cheng in anger.

He was about to hit wei with his whip but wangji uses his guqin to stop it.

"Lan wangji." Shouted Jiang Cheng.

"Who are you!" Shouted Jiang Cheng looking at wei wuxian.
Thankyou for reading ep-6 will be out soon!

1059 words!

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