Ep-19 'it's my fault'

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16 years in present.

Everyone was waiting for baoshan sanren to arrive. Wei ying was looking at the dufan mountain.

"Xue chonghai must be planning on making more puppets to attack on cultivators...somehow I need to leave.." thought wei ying looking around to find another exit.

When he was looking here and there, he saw that lan zhan, lan xichen, lan qiren, Jiang yanli, Jiang Cheng, Jin zixuan, song lan, xiao xingchen were looking at him.

Wei ying knew that they know it's him but it's dangerous for them to be near wei ying right now. Xue chonghai is still on lose and until everything is over he can't take risk.

Soon a loud drumming was heard, one of the disciples said.

"Immortal Grandmaster Baoshan sanren and lan yi are arriving!" Shouted the disciples.

"Shit.." thought wei ying.

Baoshan sanren and lan yi were walking togther, they both sat next to eachother. Xiao xingchen and song lan lan went near baoshan sanren and told her everything. Baoshan sanren smiled and looked at wei ying.

Wei ying didn't look at baoshan sanren, he knows if he looks then. Everyone will know that it's him.

"Even tho they all alright found out..this still doesn't mean that I will let myself come out like this." Thought wei ying.

Everyone was talking, wei ying desided to leave, Jin ling saw them leaving.

"Uncle mo, you can't leave yet. The meeting is not over!!" Shouted Jin ling.

Wei ying gave a bow.

"I have things to do, if I stay here then it would be a waste of time then." Said wei ying and started leaving.

"Uncle mo!" Shouted Jin ling.

"A-ying, if you are going to yiling again then I'll be coming with you too." Said baoshan sanren.

". . ."

Wei ying frozen on his place. Everyone was stocked other then the onces who knows. Wei ying looked at baoshan sanren and smiled.

"You really don't know how to keep secrets now do you grandma?" Asked wei ying.

Everyone started gossiping.

"For now it's best if you stay with them, I'll take of that little snake. I'll be needing your help later." Said wei ying.

"Everywell then." Said baoshan sanren.

Wei ying left, after them lan zhan also came out.

"Wei ying!" Said lan zhan.

"Lan zhan.." said wei ying.

Lan zhan hugged wei ying, wei ying was shocked by the hug but he hugged him back.

Wei ying and lan zhan went to yiling they found the last two pieces, wei ying destroys them.

"Now only one is left..that is with xue yang..he is the one who's helping xue chonghai with everything." Said wei ying.

"Xue yang?" Asked lan zhan.

"Xue yang is the last blood line of xue chonghai." Said wei ying.

"Mm." Said lan zhan.

"I need to find a way to turn wen ning back to normal and find yang yang.." said wei ying..

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