Ep-14 'Did we just kiss?'

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Lan wangji falls down in the cold pond, he got up from the water and looked around. It was cave, a deep and dark cave. He heard coughing sounds coming from his side, he looks at his side and finds wei ying.



"Wei ying, are you ok..?" Asked lan wangji.

Wei ying looks at him in shock but nods.

"He called me by my birth name..?" Thought wei ying.

"I'm fine..lan zhan.." said wei ying.

Lan zhan was looking at him in suprise, he didn't know why but he felt happy hearing his birth name from wei ying.

"We need to find a opening to get out of here..do you know this place..?" Asked wei ying.

"No i haven't seen this place before.." said lan zhan.

"Alright then.. let's look around..there must be opening somewhere." Said wei ying.

"Mm." Said lan zhan.

They walked further inside to find a opening so they could get out.

"A cold cave underneath the cold pond..? Does uncle and brother knows about this..?" Thought lan zhan.

Wei ying noticed that there were bunnies and a guqin. Wei ying looked at lan zhan, who was also confused.

"Bunnies at such a cold place..? A old guqin..?" Thought wei ying.

Wei ying and lan zhan walked towards the guqin but a string was played on guqin making a long-ranged attack on wei ying. Wei ying doggies them, the attacks ment no danger for lan zhan.

"Shit..killer strings..." Said wei ying.

"These are the chord-assassination technique.." said lan zhan.

Wei ying knew that the strings are attacking him because he's not a lan.

"Should I use the book? No it's gonna be disrespectful towards the guqin's owner. If only it wasn't an ancestor's guqin, i wouldn't have to think so much.." Thought wei ying

Wei ying looks at lan zhan who was looking at the guqin.

"Give me your headband." Said wei ying.

Lan zhan didn't say anything and just looked at wei ying.

"It's the only way to stop the guqin from using his attacks.." said wei ying.

Lan zhan takes his headband off and ties it around both his and wei ying's hand. Wei ying looked at headband.

For some reason he smiled, wei ying and lan walked towards the guqin. Wei ying was looking at the guqin. It was indeed a ancestor's.

Lan zhan desided to play it, he also wanted to know the guqin owner.

After playing, wei ying and lan zhan heard voices.

"Get him!"
"Don't let him escape!"
"Xue chonghai, you have gone bad for power!"
"Kill him!"
"Us four clans together will end him!"
"Me and lan yi will seal you for thousands of years!"
"Give us the yin iron!"

{𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅}Where stories live. Discover now