Ep-6 'Its really you..?'

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"who are you?" Asked Jiang Cheng looking at wei wuxian.

" 'who are you?' that's a big question, for a normal human they could say their name but for, what should I say? These humans have given me so many names..Wei wuxian, wei ying, a-xian, a-ying, senior mo, proctor of cultivation world, childe of wei clan, childe of mo clan, childe sanren, immortal Protector Of Cultivation World..so many names..yeah right.." thought wei wuxian, he smiled.

"Answer me! Who are you!?" Shouted Jiang Cheng.

Wei laughed, wangji still had a hold on his hand, he was still looking at him, wangji knew this was 'wei ying'.

"Wei ying..no matter what form you are in..I will find you.." thought wangji.

Wei shaked his hand.

"Clan leader Jiang, the name is mo xuanyu, your nephew knows my we'll, I'm the childe of both mo and Jin clan. I'm Jin ling's uncle too, you know." Said wei.

Jiang Cheng looks at Jin ling, Jin ling just nodded as it's true that mo is truly his uncle. Jiang Cheng again looks at wei wuxian.

"It's quite rude of you two childe's who keeps on troubling a young childe of Jin clan and mo clan for mo reason." Said wei.

Wei frees his hand from wangji, wangji did let wei's hand go but he didn't want too at that time.

"I clearly did nothing for you two childe's to come after me. Now if you excuse me I have to leave, I have better things to do other then standing here and hearing you two racoons fighting for no reason upon me." Said wei.

"You!-" shouted Jiang Cheng.

Two men jumped in between them, making everyone shocked, wei was shocked seeing the two men standing infront of him.

"It can't be, it's really them..uncle xiao and uncle song.." thought wei.

Jiang Cheng and lan wangji looked at them and bowed. The two nodded, the disciples also bowed. Wei didn't bow, he started walking away.

"Childe mo, please stop it's not save for you too go alone at this time." Said xiao looking at wei.

Wei stops and looks behind, he was wearing his mask.

"I don't know who you are but I pretty sure you should know who I am before stopping me form going anywhere." Said wei.

"Uncle mo, do you know who this is, I don't think you know. If you knew you won't dare to talk back to them." Said Jin ling crossing his arms annoyed.

"My answer still stays the same." Said wei.

Xiao nods, Jin ling just looked away with a 'whatever' look.

"Childe lan and clan leader Jiang, master lan yi has held a meeting it's important for everyone to be there and by everyone I mean everyone." Said xiao looking at wei at the end.

Everyone was looking at wei. Wei puts his hand on his head.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Said wei.

Xiao nodded.

"We will be there." Said wangji.

"Childe Jin, tell your father, we will be arriving there at Jin clan for the meeting. Along with grandmaster." Said song.

"Yes." Said Jin ling.

Jin ling and juniors have met both song lan and xiao many times during there study's at gusu clan. Baoshan sanren mostly sent the two to help other clans in trouble. But they were shocked to hear baoshan sanren was coming too.

"Wow! Baoshan sanren, the great immortal grandmaster is coming too? Wasn't she under deep meditation?" Asked lan jingji.

"She was under circulation but now she has woken up as danger is near.
Soon everything will be ok." Said xiao.

Everyone just nodded, wei was looking at the dafan mountain.

"I need to go to yiling..xue chonghai is free..I'm sure of that soon he will do something to hurt the innocent people again..i have to make sure I don't reveal my identity infront of them..and take down that mister soon as possible.." thought wei.

Wei wuxian didn't know that xiao and song lan were looking at wei, they knew it was there nephew. But kept silent because wei himself didn't come up with this yet.

In yiling, there was no good, day by day xue chonghai was killing cultivators without letting anyone know about him. Xue yang was helping him. But xue chonghai was still not in peace he wanted the book of immortality. Which baoshan sanren and wei wuxian's onces had.

"Grandmaster, why do you need that book for?" Asked xue yang

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"Grandmaster, why do you need that book for?" Asked xue yang.

"Xue yang, you might not know about this book that much but I will tell you why this is so important to me. The book of immortality have many abilities like changing people, making humans into immortal, spirit beasts, gods and demons. The book can do anything, it also gives the user of book many powers, magical weapons and items which can make anyone rule the cultivation world." Said xue chonghai.

"Such power in a book.." said xue yang.

"It's a book from the dragon god, which is baoshan sanren's ancestor. So anyone with baoshan sanren's blood line can use the book." Said xue chonghai.

"But how will you use it..?" Asked xue yang.

"If you kill the user of the book then the book will choose the person as it's master who has defeated the user and that's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna kill wei wuxian for good." Said xue chonghai.

"But wei wuxian died at the war along with you, here at this place. He used his soul to trap you. You mean he came back to live along with you?" Asked xue yang.

"He did, of course the poor, kind and sweet immortal Protector can't help to stop himself from helping others." Said xue chonghai giving out a laugh.

"He is still the same old sweetheart hero of everyone who will died in my hands." Said xue chonghai.

Xue yang smiled.

The mountains, baoshan sanren was looking at the photo of her daughter and son in law, along with them there was a young boy standing infront of them with a smile.

"Time really changes so fast.. cangse...changze after your death..I had already lost our a-ying somewhere..he was with us but never fully happy either.. because of the immortality book..he had to take so many responsibility..at a young age..I still remember who young he was when I sent him to gusu clan clan for study's." Said baoshan sanren.

Baoshan sanren closed her eyes, tears fall down. She started to remember all the past memories.
Thankyou for reading ep-7 will be out soon!

1140 words!

Now the next episodes will be about the past, the past won't be same as the orginal. So don't say that never happened. Anyways see you all soon in the next episode.

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