Ep-13 'cold pond'

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Lan wangji was looking at his brother, he didn't say a word, just kept looking at his brother. Lan xichen sighed and nodded.

"Alright, I'll tell you everything but first come with me. His topic can't be can't be talked openly. Let's go to uncle's quater first." Said lan xichen.

Lan wangji nodded, lan wangji and lan xichen walked towards uncle lan's quater. Lan xichen knocked on his door.

"Come in." Said lan qiren.

Lan xichen opens the door, both walked. Lan qiren looked at two.

"Did you two need something?" Asked lan qiren.

"Uncle, wangji wants to know about us not minding childe wei's presence near the mountain." Said lan xichen.

Lan qiren holds his beard and thinks.

"Will it be a good thing telling wangji about the book?" Lan qiren thought.

Lan qiren thinks for a minute then looks at lan wangji.

"Wangji, the things that I would tell you know. You have to keep it under shell. No matter what happens then should not be known by anyother clans, cultivators or anyone." Said lan qiren.

Lan wangji bowed.

"Understood, not a word outside." Said wangji.

"You have heard about boashan sanren and the book of immortality that she had for protection of cultivation world?" Asked lan qiren.

Lan wangji nodded.

"Childe wei, is the new owner of the book." Said lan qiren.

"New owner?" Asked lan wangji.

Lan qiren nodded.

"Childe wei, must have senced a power coming near from the back mountain. Or he might have senced someone there. The book of immortality helps the owner find anything, even energys which normally cultivators cannot find." Said lan qiren.

"Uncle, what else can the book of immortality do?" Asked lan xichen.

"The book of immortality have many abilities like changing people, making humans into immortal, spirit beasts, gods and demons. The book can do anything, it also gives the user of book many powers, magical weapons and items which can make anyone rule the cultivation world." Said lan qiren.

"Isn't that dangerous then if it gets into the wrong hands?" Asked lan wangji surprised.

"It is, that's why it's only given to trusted cultivators by centuries. Firstly lan to, our great grandmaster, after her baoshan sanren, great grandmster of cultivation world and now wei wuxian seems to be the chosen one." Said lan qiren.

"But who made the book of immortality?" Asked lan wangji.

"No one knows other then the great grandmasters." Said lan qiren.

Lan qiren looks at lan wangji was still puzzled about something.

"Wangji, you have some doubts?" Asked lan qiren.

"Uncle, few minutes before wei wuxian called me a 'kid' is it because..?" Asked lan wangji.

Lan qiren nodded.

"When the book of immortality is when someone, their age grows quicker. Even tho they might look young but they are way older then all of us." Said lan qiren.

Lan wangji nodded.

"Don't worry wangji, wei wuxian was send her by baoshan sanren herself. If she sent him here then it might be for a important reason. But still keep an eye on him, he might need your help with something." Said lan qiren.

Wangji nodded, he bowed and left.

Lan xichen looks at lan qiren.

"Uncle, why would you want wangji to keep an eye on childe wei?" Asked lan xichen.

Lan qiren holds up a scroll.

"From baoshan sanren, it's her order to keep an eye on wei wuxian. According to her his life can be in danger. Over here in gusu, wangji is the strongest on of our disciples. It's gonna be his test, can he protect wei wuxian, if he can then it means he gonna be a great clan leader in the future." Said lan qiren.

Lan xichen smiled and nodded.

Far away, in yiling. Souls were waking up. Wen ruohan and xue yang were putting the yin iron togther they only needed few more pieces.

"Is it done?" Asked wen ruohan.

"Almost done, your excellency, his highness will wake up soon." Said xue yang.

"Good, xue chonghai..when he wakes up. Everything will be under my feet." Said wen ruohan and started laughing.

"Of course, your excellency." Said xue yang.

"You fool, when his highness comes, he will kill you for sure. You won't even get a word for mercy. You want to use him as your own weapon but he will end you as a pray." Thought xue yang smiling.

Xue yang was only staying with wen ruohan because he wanted to bring back xue chonghai back to life.

Baoshan sanren had sensed his when the yin iron was being joined. Her and lan yi had sealed xue chonghai thousand years ago but the seal that lan yi and baoshan sanren had placed was now fading away.

In the mountains, baoshan sanren was puking blood out of her mouth, xiao xingchen and song lan were with her.



"He's gonna be free soon, I can feel it. The seal is fading away. A-ying will be in deep danger if xue chonghai comes back to life. A-ying has the book of immortality, xue chonghai would come to take it back from him." Said baoshan sanren.

"Should we call him back or we should go there." Said song lan.

"We should inform a-ying and yang yang about this." Said xiao xingchen.

"No, we can't go there nor we can call them back, if xue chonghai senses the book. Then it would be impossible to stop him. He must have gotten strong seens he was sealed. I'll send scroll to lan clan. I'm sure clan leader lan and master lan would understand the situation." Said baoshan sanren.



"Master!" Yelled both.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Because of the seal breaking, I'm feeling weak again..I will be alright soon..do not worry about me. Just to ready for the fight." Said baoshan sanren.

Both nodded.

In gusu lan, wei ying was washing his leg from the cold pond, he was hurt on his leg, the cold pond has herbal medicine within it. Lan wangji was watching him from a far distance.

"Wei wuxian has the book of immortality. I have read about the book many times it was said that clan leader lan yi was the only lan who was able to use the book. No one has ever seen the book..I would how the book looks like.." thought lan wangji.

Soon lan wangji heard a shout from the cold pond, he looked at the cold pond but wei wuxian was not there. He quickly runs down and looks around.

"Wei wuxian! Wei wuxian!" Yelled lan wangji.

Lan wangji walked down towards the pond, soon he was pulled down in the pond.
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