Chapter 1

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I've been spending the last eight months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn, and end
But on a Wednesday in a bookstore
I watched it begin again


In the heart of sunny Los Angeles, tucked away in a corner of the city's vibrant chaos, there was this gem of a place – Chen's Corner. If you've ever longed for a bookstore that felt like an old friend's cozy living room, this was it.

The atmosphere was like a warm hug – a delightful mix of the familiar scent of well-read pages and the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. You could hear the gentle hum of conversations and the soft creaking of wooden floors. It was a haven for book lovers, and the heart and soul of this place was its owner, Lucy Chen.

She didn't just run the store; she was the living, breathing embodiment of it.

Lucy's best friend, Jackson, and her roommate, Tamara, were the dynamic duo who added to the charm. The three of them shared a special bond, making the bookstore feel like a gathering of old pals. Amid the bookshelves, you'd often find them chatting, recommending books, or simply basking in the comforting aura of this literary haven.

Chen's Corner was more than just a place to buy books; it was a refuge for those seeking a break from reality. Step inside, and you'd enter a world where time seemed to slow down, where the lines between the real and the imaginary got wonderfully blurred. It was a place where books became friends, strangers became companions, and every story promised adventure, solace, and a touch of magic.

On that day at Chen's Corner, the store was shrouded in a hushed ambiance. Only a handful of readers occupied their usual nooks, and the warm, golden evening sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a gentle glow across the well-worn wooden floors.

Lucy, leaning against the checkout counter with a cup of steaming tea, and Jackson, carefully reuniting books with their rightful places on the shelves, exchanged knowing glances.

It was a few minutes before closing time, and they anticipated the rest of the day to be a tranquil drift towards closure. Tamara had the day off, leaving just the two of them to tend to their literary oasis.

The quiet was occasionally punctuated by the soft rustle of pages and the distant hum of the city outside. Then, as if on cue, the familiar jingle of the small bell above the door signaled the arrival of an unexpected guest.

Lucy and Jackson turned their heads in unison, their expressions shifting from anticipation to curiosity. A customer? This close to closing time?

As the bell above the door tinkled and the man rushed into the store, it was evident he was in a hurry. Lucy could only catch a glimpse of him from the side – a man with short, dark blonde hair, his purpose-driven demeanor quite apparent. It seemed he might have realized they were close to closing time.

Lucy's attention shifted when she spotted Daisy, one of her regular customers, approaching. Daisy was a sweet older woman who had a penchant for delving into fantasy novels, often of the steamy variety. Lucy had long learned not to judge anyone's taste in literature, firmly believing that reading a book was still a wonderful endeavor, no matter the genre.

"Hey there, Daisy," Lucy greeted her with a warm smile. "Found any magical worlds today that captured your imagination?"

The other woman chuckled, her eyes twinkling, "Oh, you know me, Lucy. I'm always chasing dragons and enchanted romances in these books. It's my little escape from the everyday."

After a brief conversation with Daisy, who eventually picked out a promising-looking tome and promised to return next week for more adventurous escapades, Lucy turned her attention back to the man who had entered earlier. She wondered whether Jackson had managed to assist him in finding whatever he was looking for.

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