Chapter 8

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The night enveloped the city in a shroud of darkness as Tim and Angela cruised through the labyrinth of streets on their routine patrol. The hum of the shop resonated with the energy of camaraderie.

"Feels good to be back together, doesn't it?" Angela's voice cut through the quiet, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. Tim nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on his lips. It had indeed been a while since they shared the confined space of the shop, navigating the twists and turns of the city together, so he was grateful that Grey had decided to match them up today, as Celina had to work the front desk that day.

Their banter meandered into familiar territory—life beyond the badge. Angela, always perceptive, brought up Isla, and a subtle shift in the atmosphere followed. "How's Isla holding up, now that she knows about her mom?" Angela's tone was gentle, understanding the weight of the topic.

Tim's gaze drifted, his thoughts momentarily lingering on Isla's resilience. "She's been doing better, surprisingly. We visited Chen's Corner a few days ago." A warmth crept into his voice as he mentioned the quaint bookstore. Angela arched an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Chen's Corner, huh? The magical place that can turn a hardass cop's frown upside down?" She smirked, teasing him about the undeniable charm of the store. Tim shot her an annoyed look, but beneath the surface, he felt a subtle warmth at the thought of Lucy, the kind owner who had inadvertently become a source of solace for Isla—and perhaps for him too.

Tim's fingers drummed lightly on the steering wheel as he navigated the quiet streets. "Yeah, Lucy helped Isla create this personalized book or journal thing. It's like a safe space for her to express her feelings, you know?"

Angela's interest piqued, her gaze fixed on Tim. "Lucy sounds like an amazing person. I'd love to meet her sometime."

A smirk tugged at Tim's lips. "Just don't scare her off with your weird questions, Ange. She's been a real help to Isla."

Angela chuckled, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Me? Scare someone off? Never." She leaned back in her seat, contemplating the intriguing figure of Lucy in her mind. The city lights painted fleeting patterns on the patrol car's interior, casting a subdued glow on their faces.

The radio crackled with urgency, and Tim's eyes widened as he heard the voice say that a silent alarm has been sent by a store nearby. His heart pounded, and he quickly glanced at the radio's display. The address on the screen sent a shockwave through him—it was Chen's Corner.

"Chen's Corner!" Tim exclaimed, his voice tight with concern. Angela met his gaze, her eyes mirroring his worry. Without a word, she nodded in understanding.

"Attach us to the call," Angela directed the command center, her tone steady despite the tension. Tim's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he accelerated towards the bookstore, the wailing sirens cutting through the night.

Angela could feel the tension radiating from Tim. "It's going to be fine, Tim," she reassured, her voice calm. She kept her eyes on the road, scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble.

Tim remained focused, jaw clenched, his mind racing with worry for Lucy and the safety of Chen's Corner. As the police car sped through the city streets, Tim's mind raced in tandem with the flashing lights. He told himself that the surge of worry was solely because Lucy had been an incredible help to Isla, providing comfort and joy in difficult times. It was his responsibility to ensure her safety and the well-being of her cherished bookstore. There was no denying that Lucy's presence had brightened his days, but Tim brushed off any personal connection beyond the realm of gratitude and friendship.

Yet, a nagging feeling lingered—a concern that surpassed the bounds of duty. Tim's thoughts involuntarily drifted to the times he found himself locked in by Lucy's warm, brown eyes, moments that lingered in his memory long after their encounters. The subtle blush on her cheeks, the genuine smiles she shared, all etched in his mind.

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