Chapter 14

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Isabel is alive. She's at the station.

Tim's pulse quickened as those words echoed in his mind, the gravity of Angela's call weighing heavily on him. It was a stark contrast to her usual sarcastic demeanor, signaling that this was no ordinary call.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he navigated through traffic, his thoughts racing faster than the cars around him. Isabel's sudden reappearance was like a bolt from the blue, shattering the fragile peace he had managed to build in the last weeks. For months, he had lived in a state of limbo, torn between hope and despair, never knowing if he would see her again or if she was lost to him forever. And then, he had finally made the decision to leave the wondering behind.

And now, with just a few words, everything had changed.

But amidst the chaos of his emotions, there was a glimmer of hope. Isabel is alive. She is here, in the same city, just a few miles away. Perhaps this was the turning point he had been waiting for, the chance to finally mend what had been broken.

As he pulled into the parking lot of the station, Tim braced himself for whatever lay ahead. He couldn't seem to shake the questions swirling in his mind. How did they even find Isabel? Countless scenarios raced through his thoughts, each one more troubling than the last.

Did she overdose and someone found her? If so, why hadn't they met at the hospital? Or perhaps she'd gotten entangled in the dangerous world of drugs and now needed the intervention of law enforcement.

Another possibility loomed in his mind, one that filled him with a fragile hope: maybe Isabel was here to seek help, to finally confront her demons and embark on the journey to sobriety. It was a slim chance, but one he couldn't ignore.

Whatever the truth may be, he knew he had to face it head-on. Isabel's sudden reappearance would throw their life into turmoil once again, and he couldn't afford to falter now.
As Tim stepped into the familiar surroundings of the station, Angela's voice cut through the air, drawing his attention.


He turned to find his best friend approaching, her presence offering a semblance of comfort amidst the uncertainty that loomed ahead. Angela was dressed casually, a sign that she wasn't on duty. Tim had entrusted her with the task of looking after Isla, and he hoped that everything was going smoothly on that front. He scanned the station, searching for any sign of her.

"Where's Isla? Did you bring her?" Tim's words spilled out in a rush, betraying the concern that gnawed at him.

Angela raised her hands in a reassuring gesture. "No, I left her with Wesley and Jack at home. They should be about halfway through 'The Little Mermaid' by now," she replied, her tone laced with a hint of amusement. Tim appreciated her attempt to lighten the mood, even if only momentarily. "Good, yeah," he muttered, his mind still preoccupied.

After a brief pause, Tim met Angela's gaze, his voice steady as he inquired, "So, did you see her?"

He didn't need to specify who he was referring to; they both knew. Angela nodded subtly and motioned toward the watch commander's office. "I did. She's in with Grey right now, but it shouldn't be much longer. I can wait with you," she offered, her gesture a silent display of solidarity. Tim acknowledged her offer with a small nod, grateful for her support.

As they waited for Isabel and Detective Grey to wrap up their conversation, Angela leaned against the wall beside Tim, her expression a blend of curiosity and concern. Tim shifted nervously, his mind buzzing with questions about Isabel's sudden appearance.

"Do you know why Isabel's here?" Tim's voice was laced with tension as he turned to Angela, hoping for some clarity.

Angela shook her head, her brow furrowing in uncertainty. "No, she didn't say much," she replied quietly. "Just asked for you before she went in with Grey. She probably wants to explain it to you herself."

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