Chapter 3

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The morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow on the room. Tim's eyes slowly fluttered open as he stretched his arms and let out a contented sigh. It was a Saturday, a rare day off from the demanding grind of his work as a police officer.

With a fond smile, Tim turned his gaze to the little figure beside him. Isla, his seven-year-old daughter with bright blue eyes and an infectious enthusiasm for life, was still wrapped in the coziness of her dreams. With everything going on, Tim couldn't help but be grateful for the simple pleasure of waking up at home with his beloved daughter by his side.

As he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, the excitement of the day ahead washed over him. They had plans to attend Angela's birthday party later, and it promised to be a special occasion. Tim knew how much Isla looked forward to it, and he shared in her enthusiasm.

The party was a chance to relax, enjoy the company of friends, and celebrate life's joys. For Tim, it was also a welcome break from his thoughts. It provided a temporary escape from the ring on his finger — a reminder of a conversation he knew he needed to have with Isla but just didn't feel ready for yet.

After rising, Tim made his way to the kitchen, where soon, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. He prepared a hearty breakfast for himself and Isla, his experienced hands moving deftly through the routine he had perfected over the years.

"Morning, Lollipop," he greeted Isla, who was now sitting at the kitchen table, her eyes still heavy with sleep. He ruffled her hair affectionately, and her face lit up with a sleepy but warm smile.

"Morning, Daddy," Isla mumbled, her voice still carrying the remnants of sleep. She reached for the plate Tim set in front of her—a stack of pancakes topped with a generous drizzle of syrup, her favorite.

As they enjoyed their breakfast, Isla chatted about the party and what she was looking forward to. Tim listened, an indulgent smile gracing his lips as he marveled at his daughter's boundless enthusiasm. After breakfast, they moved on to getting ready for the party. Tim helped Isla pick out a pretty dress for the occasion, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she twirled in front of the mirror.

"Daddy, do I look like a princess?"

Tim couldn't help but chuckle at her radiance. "Absolutely, Isla. You're the most beautiful princess in the whole wide world."

His heart swelled with affection as he watched her, his thoughts momentarily drifting away from the complexities of life and responsibilities. In those moments, he was just a father helping his daughter prepare for a day of joy and celebration. The conversation he knew he needed to have could wait. Today was for Isla, for creating memories, and for cherishing the special moments they shared together.

The hours had quickly slipped away, and soon they were on their way to Angela and Wesley's house for the birthday celebration. Tim watched as Isla, adorned in her party dress, chatted animatedly about the games and cake. Her excitement was contagious, and Tim couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

As they stepped out the front door, Tim grabbed the children's book from Chen's Corner bookstore. He smiled and said, "Isla, look what we've got for Angela. She's going to love it. Remember how she used to talk about this book when you were younger?"

Isla's eyes lit up, and she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Daddy! She always told me about it. It's going to be the best gift!"

Now, with Angela and Wesley having their own son, Jack, Tim saw an opportunity to surprise his best friend with a meaningful gift. He knew that a first edition of that book would hold a special place in Angela's heart, and it was his way of expressing his joy and appreciation for their enduring friendship. It was certainly not typical for him to put that much thought into a birthday gift, but after everything Angela had done for him, he believed she deserved something special.

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