Chapter 5

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The rain poured relentlessly over Los Angeles as Tim and his rookie, Celina, navigated the city streets during their patrol. Celina was near the end of her rookie year, and realistically, Tim knew that he had taught her most of the things he could teach her.

That day, however, Tim felt an uncharacteristic lack of control over his thoughts, his mind constantly drifting to Isabel. Ever since his visit to Chen's Corner with Isla the other day, he hadn't been able to get his head straight. In an attempt to regain control, he unintentionally took out his frustrations on Celina, pushing her even harder than usual.

As they drove through the desolate streets, Tim's stern voice cut through the sound of raindrops pelting the patrol car. "Boot!" Celina snapped to attention. "Did you not see that woman run across the street at a red light?"

Celina turned back, a hint of defiance in her expression. "Yeah, but I mean, she's probably just trying to get home fast... It's pretty stormy out there."

Tim's gaze bore into her, his voice unwavering. "And what if she had gotten hit by a car because the driver missed the red light?"

"You're right, sir. I'm sorry," Celina nodded, her head bowed. She couldn't help but wonder what had put Tim in such a mood, making him unusually tough on her throughout the day.

At lunchtime, they took a brief break at the vibrant food trucks. Tim barked at Celina to get their food, and then he settled into his seat at their familiar table next to Angela, his longtime friend and detective.

Angela couldn't help but notice the storm cloud hanging over Tim's usually composed demeanor when she observed Celina's shaky attempts at placing their order. Arching an eyebrow, she quipped, "What happened to your Boot?"

Tim let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly as he acknowledged the observation. "Just one of those days, Angela. Celina needs to toughen up a bit. Can't be a cop if you're scared to order lunch."

Angela chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Well, I hope you were at least gentle with her. We don't want another one running away from you."

A wry grin tugged at Tim's lips. "I was... assertive. She needs to learn to handle pressure, and it's my job to teach her."

Angela shook her head, feigning exasperation, "Sometimes, Tim, I worry about your definition of 'assertive.' Anyway, how's Isla?"

The mention of his daughter brought a softening to Tim's expression. "She's doing well. We visited Chen's Corner a few days ago and she hasn't stopped talking about it since." His mind wandered off to the cozy bookstore and its sunshiny owner. "Lucy, the owner, remembered her from their school trip. Isla is kind of obsessed with her."

Angela's eyes sparkled with interest. "Oh really? How come?"

Tim leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing on his lips as he delved into the whimsical tale of Isla's fascination with Lucy. "Well, during their school visit, Lucy showed them around, talked about different genres, and even read a cop story with her. You know how Isla is, always curious. Lucy made quite an impression on her."

Angela chuckled, enjoying the anecdotes about Isla. "Sounds like Lucy's got a fan. Have you gotten to know her, too?"

Tim hesitated for a moment, his eyes distant as if he were contemplating something. "Yeah, we've chatted a bit. She's... different, in a good way. Easy to talk to."

Angela raised an eyebrow, sensing there might be more beneath the surface. "Different how?"

Tim shrugged, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Just feels like she sees through things, you know? Like she can read you without you saying much."

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