Chapter 9

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Five days had passed since the tension-filled night at Chen's Corner, and Lucy was determined to reclaim her festive spirit. The last couple of days she had been talking to her therapist nonstop about what happened, but now the bookstore owner just wanted to get back to her life. Just as Tim had told her, she was not going to let this random man kill her love for books.

So that is why, Lucy, Jackson, and Tamara found themselves standing at a Christmas market, surrounded by the delightful sights and sounds of the holiday season. The brisk winter air was filled with the inviting aroma of hot chocolate and the familiar melodies of Christmas carols.

Amidst the market's vibrant decorations, Lucy and her friends had set up their own little bookstand, adorned with twinkling lights and a festive display of books from Chen's Corner. The warm glow emanating from their corner added to the enchanting Christmas atmosphere.

Despite the recent ordeal, the trio was determined to infuse the market with the spirit of joy and community. The market bustled with people, each immersed in the festive ambiance, and the laughter and chatter created a harmonious background to the holiday tunes.

The aroma of roasting chestnuts and the sweet fragrance of cinnamon wafted through the air as Lucy, Jackson, and Tamara engaged with visitors, sharing the magic of Chen's Corner through their carefully curated collection of books. The glow from the lights danced on the covers, inviting passersby to explore the enchanting world within the pages.

Tamara glanced at Lucy, concern etched on her face. "Lucy, are you sure you wanted to come out tonight? I mean, after what happened, you could've taken a break."

Lucy smiled warmly at Tamara, appreciating the genuine concern. "Tam, this Christmas market is one of my favorite traditions with you guys. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Sometimes, you need to step outside and celebrate life, especially when it feels like it's trying to knock you down. Chen's Corner is more than just a bookstore; it's a part of our lives, and we won't let one incident take away the joy it brings."

Tamara nodded, understanding the sentiment. "Well, I'm glad you're here with us. Just promise me you'll let loose a little and enjoy the festivities."

Lucy chuckled, "I promise, Tam. Tonight is about celebrating and spreading joy, and that's exactly what I intend to do."

Jackson couldn't resist teasing Lucy a bit. "Speaking of joy, Lucy, have you heard from Officer McDaddy since then?"

Tamara's grin mirrored Jackson's mischief. Lucy felt a warmth creeping up her cheeks, and she quickly diverted her attention to arranging the books on the stand. "Uh, no, I haven't seen him since the robbery. Someone other police officer dropped off the money a couple of days ago."

Jackson's grin widened. "Disappointed, Lucy?"

Lucy shot him a playful glare, her voice unintentionally rising a pitch. "No! Why would I be disappointed?" She continued adjusting the books, pretending to be engrossed in the task at hand. Tamara chuckled, thoroughly enjoying the banter and couldn't resist adding fuel to the teasing fire. "So, Lucy, did he look as good in uniform as one would imagine?"

Lucy's breath caught in her throat, and she tried to push away the images of Tim in his police uniform. She vividly recalled him wearing a white shirt when he entered, which was distracting enough, but when he switched back to his blue uniform and vest, it was a whole new level. Despite her best efforts to maintain composure, a subtle blush betrayed her.

Clearing her throat, Lucy played it off casually. "Eh, he's alright."

Tamara burst into laughter, noting Lucy's reddening cheeks and the telltale grin. "Lucy, you're a terrible liar. I can practically see the red cheeks from here."

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