Chapter 4

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Lucy's day at Chen's Corner bookstore was rolling along as usual. She and Tamara were busy chatting while assisting customers, their conversations meandering through different topics. Tamara had been filling Lucy in on the latest developments in her university life, the ups, the downs, and the never-ending readings. Lucy was playing the role of the sympathetic listener, offering encouragement and a dash of humor.

"Tamara, I swear you're a superhero, juggling uni and helping me keep this place running smoothly," Lucy said with a knowing grin. "But I also know you've got the tenacity of a bull when you set your mind to something."

Tamara let out a long sigh, a mix of exhaustion and relief. "Oh, I'd be lost without you, Lucy. And homeless."

Lucy and Tamara momentarily paused their conversation, their attention pulled in different directions as the store continued to buzz with activity. Tamara headed to assist another customer at the far end of the bookstore, her friendly and attentive manner making her a natural fit for customer service.

With a quick glance around the store, Lucy decided it was a good moment to start sorting a stack of books into their proper places on the shelves. She picked up a few volumes and began to work on organizing them.

But just as she was about to slot a book into its designated spot, her heart skipped a beat as she heard an unmistakably excited voice call out,

"Miss Lucy!" She looked down in surprise, only to feel small, enthusiastic arms wrapping around her legs.

Startled and delighted, Lucy looked down to see Isla, the young girl she had met during the school visit. The sight of Isla's beaming face and her spontaneous hug filled Lucy with warmth and happiness. The store owner gently knelt down to the girl's level, a wide smile on her face. "Isla! It's so wonderful to see you again. What brings you to the bookstore today?"

"I brought my daddy today, so we can look at some more stories together," Isla exclaimed proudly.

Lucy's heart swelled with joy at her words. She was delighted to see Isla's enthusiasm for books and reading, and the fact that her father was there to support her passion made it all the more special.

"That's wonderful!" Lucy exclaimed with genuine happiness. "I'm so glad you brought your daddy with you. We have so many enchanting stories waiting for you both. Let's explore the shelves together, shall we?" Lucy extended a hand to Isla, ready to embark on a literary adventure.

Lucy was happily guiding Isla towards a section of children's books when, suddenly, she heard a voice calling out "Lollipop?" in a familiar tone. She turned and collided with someone. Instinctively, Lucy reached out and steadied herself by gripping his arms, feeling a jolt of warmth at the touch. Her heart skipped a beat as their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still for a moment. The man, the same customer she had met a few days ago, looked just as surprised as she did.

They stood there in silence for a moment, seemingly lost in each other's gaze. Lucy was the first to break the trance, realizing her hands were still holding onto his arms. She quickly let go, her cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment.

With a playful smile, Lucy decided to lighten the situation. "I don't think anyone with the name Lollipop works here," she teased, "and if you're looking for sweets, the supermarket down the street might be a better try. Or perhaps you're on a quest to find a lost pet named Lollipop?"

Her remark was delivered with a light-hearted tone, aiming to ease the unexpected tension that had filled the air. Lucy couldn't deny that she was pleasantly surprised to see him again, and her teasing was a way to hide her flustered emotions.

Tim couldn't help but get lost in Lucy's warm, inviting gaze. Her eyes were a rich, comforting shade of brown that seemed to hold an entire world of stories and secrets. It was as if time had slowed down, and he found himself captivated by her vibrant energy once again. Her touch on his arms felt like an electric jolt, sending a pleasant shiver down his spine.

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